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Barker, Mildred, Sister. in subject [X]
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Women -- Social conditions. in subject [X]
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Barker, Mildred, Sister.[X]
Cramer, Miriam Anne, 1905-1980. (1)
Shakers -- Drama. (1)
Shakers -- United States -- History -- Sources. (1)
Shakers. (1)
United Society of Believers. (1)
Women -- Social conditions.[X]
Manuscript CollectionSave
1Title:  Miriam Anne Cramer Papers     
 Creator:  Cramer, Miriam Anne 
 Dates:  1905-1979 
 Abstract:  Miriam Cramer (1905-1980) was a well-known playwright, lecturer, teacher and fashion designer in the Cleveland, Ohio, area. She graduated from Flora Stone Mather College in 1928, then from Western Reserve University's School of Graduate Studies in 1941 after writing "More Love Brother" for her master's thesis. This musical play (included in this collection), concerning the North Union Shaker community in the 1860s, was performed at Cain Park, Cleveland Heights, Ohio, in 1945. She also studied dance with Eleanor Frampton and Martha Graham, and taught at Laurel and Cain Park schools in the Cleveland area. She was married to Sidney Andorn, but continued to use her maiden name, Miriam Cramer. The collection consists of clippings, correspondence, miscellaneous papers and publications, musical publications, research notes, scrapbook materials, speeches, and writings. The collection primarily pertains to Cramer's research on the Shaker communities in the eastern United States, including their lifestyle, religion, folklore and medicine. 
 Call #:  MS 4233 
 Extent:  1.00 linear feet (1 container) 
 Subjects:  Cramer, Miriam Anne, 1905-1980. | Barker, Mildred, Sister. | Shakers -- Drama. | Shakers -- United States -- History -- Sources. | United Society of Believers. | Shakers. | Women -- Social conditions.
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