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1Title:  Congress of Racial Equality, Cleveland Chapter Records     
 Creator:  Congress of Racial Equality, Cleveland Chapter 
 Dates:  1960-1969 
 Abstract:  The Cleveland, Ohio, chapter of the Congress of Racial Equality (CORE) was chartered in March 1963. As a chapter of the national organization founded in Chicago, Illinois, in 1942, the Cleveland Chapter of CORE has used direct action to bring about dignity, freedom, justice, and equality for the oppressed and dispossessed people of Cleveland. While primarily working in the African American community, CORE has worked for the political, economic, and social changes necessary to improve the conditions that cause racial inequality and poverty. The collection consists of agendas, brochures, budgets, constitutions, correspondence, event notices, fact sheets, financial statements, flyers, guides, histories, lists, membership cards, minutes, news releases, newspaper clippings, notes, outlines, policy statements, programs, proposals, publications, reports, speeches, and tickets. 
 Call #:  MS 5174 
 Extent:  1.00 linear feet (3 containers) 
 Subjects:  African Americans -- Civil rights -- Ohio -- Cleveland. | African Americans -- Ohio -- Cleveland. | Cleveland (Ohio) -- Race relations -- 20th century. | Congress of Racial Equality | Congress of Racial Equality. Cleveland Chapter | Freedom Fighters of Ohio | United Freedom Movement
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