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Women -- Ohio -- Charlestown -- Societies and clubs in subject [X]
Pioneers -- Ohio in subject [X]
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1Title:  James Newton Papers     
 Creator:  Newton, James 
 Dates:  1815-1878 
 Abstract:  James Newton was a Connecticut native who moved to Hudson, Ohio, to join the mercantile business of his sister (Eunice Newton Oviatt) and brother-in-law (Heman Oviatt). He later prospered as a farmer in Charlestown, Portage County. His brothers John and Eben moved to Ohio and entered politics. John was an Ohio state legislator and associate judge of the Ohio Supreme Court. Eben was a state senator, a judge of the common pleas court, and a U.S. congressman. A relative, Sophia Newton, was president of the Female Missionary Sewing Society of the Methodist Episcopal Church of Charlestown (est. 1844). Another relative, Emma Newton, left behind three composition books (1837-1838). The collection consists of family correspondence, land documents, receipts, Emma Newton's composition books and the by-laws and minutes of the Female Missionary Sewing Society. 
 Call #:  MS 4052 
 Extent:  0.20 linear feet (1 container) 
 Subjects:  Newton, James, 1784-1854 | Newton family | Legislators -- Ohio | Pioneers -- Ohio | Women pioneers -- Ohio | Frontier and pioneer life -- Ohio | Women -- Ohio -- Charlestown -- Societies and clubs | Ohio -- History -- 1787-1865 -- Sources | Ohio -- Politics and government -- 1787-1865
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