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Vermont -- History -- To 1791 in subject [X]
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Imprints, Early American To 1820 in subject [X]
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Imprints, Early American To 1820[X]
Olive Branch (Ship) (1)
Vermont -- History -- To 1791[X]
1Title:  Particulars of the capture of the ship Olive Branch: laden with a cargo of cannon and arms, the property of Major General Ira Allen, destined for supplying the militia of Vermont, and captured by His Britannic Majesty's ship of war Audacious; together with the proceedings and evidence before the High court of admiralty and appeal, in Great Britain, and an account of his imprisonment in France, and persecutions by a conspiracy of the two hemispheres: with an appendix, proposing a ship canal, from lake Champlain, to the river St. Lawrence.....the evacuation of Ticonderoga, and events of the war in 1777.....truce in 1780, to the end of the war.....and a Narrative of Colonel Ethan Allen's captivity, from 1775 to 1778    
 Creator:  Allen, Ira, 1751-1814 
 Publication:  Printed for the author, Philadelphia,1805. 
 Notes:  Vol. 1 was published at London in 1798. About 160 pages of v. 2 were printed at Burlington, Vt., In 1802, but few, if any, copies were put into circulation. In 1804 the author published at Philadelphia without t.p. the "Narrative of the transactions relative to the capture of the American ship. Olive Branch" (368 p.) containing much material taken from v. 1 but called by Allen v. 2. The present edition of v. 2 includes a summary of v. 1 and may be considered as a complete work. cf. Gilman, Bibl. of Vermont, 1897. p. 8. 
 Call #:  F4DC A426 
 Extent:  xxx, 551, [1] p. 21 cm. 
 Subjects:  Olive Branch (Ship) | Vermont -- History -- To 1791 | Imprints, Early American To 1820
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