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Van Vleet, Abram in subject [X]
Dyer, Mary M., -- b. 1780 in subject [X]
Ohio imprints 1819 in subject [X]
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Book (1)
Chapman, Eunice Hawley (1)
Dyer, Mary M., -- b. 1780[X]
Imprints, Early American To 1820 (1)
Ohio imprints 1819[X]
Shakers (1)
Van Vleet, Abram[X]
1Title:  The other side of the question: In three parts. I. An explanation of the proceedings of Eunice Chapman and the Legislature, against the United society ... in the state of New York II. A refutation of the false statements of Mary Dyer against the said society, in the state of New Hampshire. III. An account of the proceedings of Abram Van Vleet, esq., and his associates, against the said United society at Union Village, Ohio. Comprising a general vindication of public slander-the edicts of a prejudiced party-and the misguided zeal of lawless mobs    
 Creator:  McNemar, Richard, 1770-1839 
 Morrell, Calvin
 Houston, Matthew, 1764-1848
 Sering, Samuel
 Publication:  Looker, Reynolds & Co. Printers, Cincinnati,1819. 
 Notes:  "Compiled by Eleazer Wright--pseud. of Richard McNemar--Calvin Morrell, Matthew Houston, Samuel Sering."--J.P. MacLean, A bibliography of Shaker literature, 1905. 
 Call #:  BX9766 M169 Vault 
 Extent:  164 p. 18 cm. 
 Subjects:  Chapman, Eunice Hawley | Dyer, Mary M., -- b. 1780 | Van Vleet, Abram | Shakers | Ohio imprints 1819 | Imprints, Early American To 1820
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