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United States -- Census, 1850 in subject [X]
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1Title:  Town of Wilmington, Essex County, New York: transcribed serial records    
 Creator:  Hinds, Harold E. 
 Didreckson, Tina M.
 Pederson, Janet.
 Publication:  Willow Bend Books, Bowie, Md,<2004-2012> 
 Notes:  Vol. 5, 7-<13> published in Westminster, Md. Vol. 14-16, Wilmington General Store, 1852-1854, on CD-ROM. Includes indexes. 
 Call #:  F9Y W743 H662 
 Extent:  volumes <1-13, 17-23> ; 28 cm. 
 Subjects:  Registers of births, etc. -- New York (State) -- Wilmington (Town) | Registers of births, etc | Wilmington (N.Y. : Town) -- Genealogy | Wilmington (N.Y. : Town) -- Census, 1850 | Wilmington (N.Y. : Town) -- Census, 1855 | New York (State) -- Census, 1855 | United States -- Census, 1850 | New York (State) | New York (State) Wilmington (Town) | United States | Census | Genealogy
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