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The West -- Description and travel in subject [X]
United States -- Exploring expeditions in subject [X]
Results:  1 Item
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Book (1)
Indians of North America -- The West (1)
Natural history -- The West (1)
Pacific railroads -- Explorations and surveys (1)
The West -- Description and travel[X]
United States -- Exploring expeditions[X]
1Title:  Reports of explorations and surveys: to ascertain the most practicable and economical route for a railroad from the Mississippi River to the Pacific Ocean. Made under the direction of the secretary of war, in 1853-[6]    
 Creator:  United States War Dept. 
 Henry, Joseph, 1799-1878
 Baird, Spencer Fullerton, 1823-1887
 United States Army. Corps of Engineers.
 Publication:  A.O.P. Nicholson, printer [etc.], Washington,1855-60. 
 Notes:  Vols. I-XI were issued in the Congressional series of U.S. public documents as 33d Cong., 2d sess. House ex. doc. 91, and also as Senate ex. doc. 78. Vol. XI was issued also (1861) as 36th Cong., 2d sess. Senate ex. doc. [no number] Supplement to vol. I (the material of which was published also in vol. XII, book I and book II) was issued in at least three forms: Supplement to vol. I, 1859, W.A. Harris, printer, as 35th Cong., 2d sess. Senate ex. doc. 46--Vol. XII, book I-II, 1860, T.H. Ford, printer, as 36th Cong., 1st sess. House ex. doc. 56, and Senate ex. doc. [no number] The reports of the Pacific railroad surveys were prepared under the direct supervision of the Engineer department. The volumes dealing with the soil, climate, geology, botany and zoology of the regions surveyed were edited and revised by Professors Henry and Baird, of the Smithsonian institution. cf. Ingersoll, Hist. of the War department, 1879, p. 292-293. For further information concerning the publication of the work and a list of serial numbers assigned to the volumes in the Congressional series of documents, see Checklist of United States public documents. 1911, p. 1274-1275. 
 Call #:  F42J U58R 
 Extent:  12 v. in 13. plates (part col., part fold.) maps (part fold.) 30 x 24 cm. 
 Subjects:  Pacific railroads -- Explorations and surveys | Natural history -- The West | Indians of North America -- The West | The West -- Description and travel | United States -- Exploring expeditions
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