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Land titles -- Pennsylvania -- Beaver County. in subject [X]
McLeish family. in subject [X]
Dunbar family. in subject [X]
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1Title:  Zachariah Regan Papers     
 Creator:  Regan, Zachariah 
 Dates:  1808-1828 
 Abstract:  Zachariah Regan and his family settled in Little Beaver Creek, Beaver County, Pennsylvania, in the early nineteenth century. His daughter Mary married John McLeish, who served in the 9th Ohio Independent Battery during the American Civil War. Mary and John McLeish settled in the the 18th ward of Cleveland, Ohio, by 1880, and their daughter Nannie married William Reid Dunbar at the South Presbyterian Church in 1881. The collection consists of land surveys, court records, deeds, contracts, and estate papers, which primarily concern Zachariah Regan's land holdings in Beaver County, Pennsylvania. 
 Call #:  MS 4705 
 Extent:  0.10 linear feet (1 container) 
 Subjects:  Regan, Zachariah, d. 1827. | Regan family. | McLeish family. | Dunbar family. | Reid family. | Court records -- Pennsylvania -- Beaver County. | Irish Americans -- Pennsylvania -- Beaver County. | Irish American families -- Pennsylvania -- Beaver County. | Deeds -- Pennsylvania -- Beaver County. | Land titles -- Pennsylvania -- Beaver County. | Frontier and pioneer life -- Pennsylvania -- Beaver County. | Beaver County (Pa.) -- History -- 19th century.
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