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Names, Personal -- Great Britain in subject [X]
Names, Geographical -- Great Britain in subject [X]
Results:  2 Items
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Page: 1
Book (2)
Latin language, Medieval and modern -- Glossaries, vocabularies, etc (1)
Law -- Dictionaries (1)
Names, Geographical -- Great Britain[X]
Names, Personal -- Great Britain[X]
Paleography -- Handbooks, treatises, etc (1)
BookRequires cookie*
1Title:  Homes of family names in Great Britain    
 Creator:  Guppy, H. B. (Henry Brougham), 1854-1926 
 Publication:  Harrison and Sons, London,1890. 
 Call #:  CS2505 G977 
 Extent:  lxv, 601 p. map. 22 cm. 
 Subjects:  Names, Personal -- Great Britain | Names, Geographical -- Great Britain
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2Title:  Court-hand restored: or, The student's assistant, in reading old deeds, charters, records, etc. Neatly engraved on twenty-three copper-plates, describing the old law hands, with their contractions and abbreviations. With an appendix containing the ancient names of places in Great Britain and Ireland; an alphabetical table of ancient surnames; and a glossography of Latin words found in the works of the most eminent lawyers and other ancient writings, but not in any modern dictionaries    
 Creator:  Wright, Andrew. 
 Publication:  J. & W. T. Clarke, London,1822. 
 Notes:  Plates accompanied by nine leaves with transliteration, not included in paging. 
 Call #:  Z113 W8 1822 
 Extent:  60 p. XXIII plates. 25 x 20 cm. 
 Subjects:  Paleography -- Handbooks, treatises, etc | Names, Geographical -- Great Britain | Names, Personal -- Great Britain | Latin language, Medieval and modern -- Glossaries, vocabularies, etc | Law -- Dictionaries
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