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Worcester (Mass.) -- Cemeteries in subject [X]
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1Title:  Inscriptions from the old burial grounds in Worcester, Massachusetts: from 1727 to 1859: with biographical and historical notes    
 Creator:  Worcester Historical Society 
 Barton, W. S. (William Sumner), 1824-1899
 Worcester Historical Society
 Publication:  Worcester Society of Antiquity, Worcester,1878-79. 
 Notes:  The epitaphs in the old burial ground on the common were copied by W. S. Barton in 1846 and published in 1848. His copy as finally revised in 1875 is given here. The epitaphs from the Mechanic street ground were copied by a committee of the Society consisting of E. B. Crane, A. A. Lovell, and F. P. Rice, who also supplied the notes. The "Addendum" (p.[125]-160) was published in 1879 after the removal of all bodies from the Mechanic street ground. Many additional names were found at that time. 
 Call #:  F5Y W923W25 v.1, no.4 
 Extent:  iv, [5]-124 p., 1 l., [125]-160 p. plans. 26 cm. 
 Subjects:  Epitaphs -- Massachusetts -- Worcester | Registers of births, etc. -- Massachusetts -- Worcester | Worcester (Mass.) -- Cemeteries
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