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United States. -- Army -- Target practice in subject [X]
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United States. -- Army -- Target practice[X]
1Title:  A system of target practice: for the use of troops when armed with the musket, rifle-musket, rifle or carbine    
 Creator:  Heth, Henry, 1825-1899 
 United States War Dept.
 Publication:  G.P.O, Washington,1862. 
 Notes:  "Pub. by order of the War Department." "Chiefly a translation from the French °Instruction provisoire sur le tir, áa l'usage des bataillons de chasseurs áa pied.®"--Pref. of 1st ed. 1st edition, 1858; another issue in 1862 pub. by D. Van Nostrand, New York. Each acknowledges Henry Heth as the preparer of the English edition. 
 Call #:  UD330 U54 1862 
 Extent:  p. [7]-48, 8 Á. of plates : charts, ill. ; 19 cm. 
 Subjects:  United States. -- Army -- Target practice
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