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Maya language -- Texts[X]
Mayas -- Antiquities (1)
1Title:  The Maya chronicles    
 Creator:  Brinton, Daniel Garrison, 1837-1899 
 Publication:  D.G. Brinton, Philadelphia,1882. 
 Notes:  Selections from the books of Chilam Balam of Mani, Tizimin and Chumayel, respectively (p. [79]-185) including only the consecutive series of katuns that record ancient historical events in Yucatan. To these chronicles is added "The chronicle of Chac Xulub Chen [i.e. a history of the town of Chicxulub and of the conquest of the country] by N. Pech, 1562" (p. [187]-259) The Mayan text of each chronicle is followed by the editor's English translation and notes; in English and Mayan. 
 Call #:  F1435 B858M 
 Extent:  279 p. ; 25 cm. 
 Subjects:  Mayas -- Antiquities | Maya language -- Texts
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