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Hiden, Martha Woodroof -- 1883- in subject [X]
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1Title:  King Charles I & the tobacco trade: the proclamation of January 6, 1630-31, reproduced to honor the service of Martha W. Hiden to the Virginia State Library as a member of its Board    
 Creator:  Great Britain Sovereign (1625-1649 : Charles I) 
 Church, Randolph W. (Randolph Warner), 1907-
 Virginia State Library
 Publication:  Virginia State Library, Richmond,1952. 
 Notes:  Facsimile, reproduced in its original size from copy in the Virginia State Library, has caption title: By the King. A proclamation concerning tobacco; and colophon: Imprinted at London by R. Barker, printer to the Kings Most Excellent Maiestie: and by the assignes of I. Bill. 1630. Bibliography: leaf at end. 
 Call #:  HD9135 G78 Oversize 
 Extent:  [2] l., facsim. ([2] l.), [2] l. diagr. 51 cm. 
 Subjects:  Hiden, Martha Woodroof -- 1883- | Tobacco industry -- Virginia | Tobacco industry -- Bermuda Islands | Great Britain -- Colonies -- America -- Commerce
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