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Elections -- Ireland -- Dublin in subject [X]
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Page: 1
1Title:  City of Dublin election, November 18th, 1868, list of electors for the year 1868: distinguishing the names of those who exercised their franchise at the above election and showing for whom they voted    
 Publication:  Magee Publications, Prescott Valley, AZ,1986. 
 Notes:  "Candidates: Jonathan Pim, Esq. ; Sir Dominic J. Corrigan, Bart., M.D. ; Sir Arthur Edward Guinness, Bart. ; The Hon. David Plunket." "From the poll books of Jonathan Pim, Esq. and Sir Dominic Corrigan." Cover title: Dublin, list of electors, November 18, 1868. Reprint. Originally printed by: Dublin: Browne & Nolan, 1868. 
 Call #:  CS497 D9C5 
 Extent:  288, 67 p. ; 21 cm. 
 Subjects:  Elections -- Ireland -- Dublin | Dublin (Ireland) -- Registers | Dublin (Ireland) -- Genealogy | Dublin (Ireland) -- Politics and government
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