Subject • | Aeronautics, Military |
| • | Armies |
| • | Artillery |
| • | Artillery drill and tactics |
| • | Attack and defense (Military science) |
| • | Combat survival |
| • | Combat sustainability (Military science) |
| • | Confederate States of America. -- Army. -- Infantry -- Drill and tactics |
| • | Confederate imprints, 1861-1865 |
| • | Crimean War, 1853-1856 |
| • | Davis, Jefferson, -- 1808-1889 |
| • | Defensive (Military science) |
| • | Firearms |
| • | Fortification |
| • | France. -- Armâee |
| • | Great Britain -- Defenses |
| • | Great Britain. -- Army |
| • | Hardee, William Joseph, -- 1815-1873. -- Rifle and infantry tactics |
| • | Imprints, Early American To 1820 |
| • | Instruments of war |
| • | Inventions |
| • | Leadership |
| • | Lincoln, Abraham, -- 1809-1865 |
| • | Mexican War, 1846-1848 |
| • | Mexico -- History -- Revolution, 1910-1920 |
| • | Mexico -- History -- Revolution, 1910-1946 |
| • | Military art and science | [X] | • | Military education -- United States |
| • | Military history |
| • | Military weapons |
| • | Naval art and science |
| • | Offensive (Military science) |
| • | Ohio imprints 1866 |
| • | Pershing, John J. -- (John Joseph), -- 1860-1948 |
| • | Quâebec Campaign, 1759 -- Biography |
| • | Rifles |
| • | South African War, 1899-1902 |
| • | Strategy |
| • | Tactics |
| • | Terrorism |
| • | United States -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865 |
| • | United States -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865 -- Campaigns |
| • | United States -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865 -- Medical care |
| • | United States -- History -- Colonial period, ca. 1600-1775 |
| • | United States -- History, Military |
| • | United States -- History, Naval |
| • | United States. -- Army |
| • | United States. -- Army -- Handbooks, manuals, etc |
| • | United States. -- Army -- Sanitary affairs |
| • | United States. -- Army. -- Cavalry |
| • | War |
| • | War games |
| • | Wellington, Arthur Wellesley, -- Duke of, -- 1769-1852 |
| • | Wolfe, James, -- 1727-1759 |
| • | World politics -- 1945- |
| Book | Save | 21 | Title: | The future of war in its technical, economic, and political relations; is war now impossible?
| | | Creator: | Bloch, Jan, 1836-1902 | | | Publication: | The International Union, Boston,[1899] | | | Call #: | U102 B651 | | | Extent: | 2 p. l., lxxix, 380 p. illus. 20 cm. | | | Subjects: | War | Military art and science
| | | |
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Book | Save | 22 | Title: | Tactics: the practical art of leading troops in war
| | | Creator: | Bond, P. S. (Paul Stanley), 1879- | | | | Crouch, Edwin H. | | | Publication: | The American Army and Navy Journal, Inc, New York,1922. | | | Call #: | U165 B712 | | | Extent: | xxii, 332, 105, 74 p. incl. illus., 44 pl. (part col.) tables, diagrs. pl. 24 cm. | | | Subjects: | Tactics | Military art and science
| | | |
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Book | Save | 23 | Title: | The practice of war: being a translation of a French military work entitled "Maxims, counsels and instructions on the art of war, or Handbook for the practice of war. For the use of military men of all arms and countries. From a manuscript written, in 1815, by a general of that time, and revised, in 1855, to be put in harmony with the knowledge and organization of the present day. 4th edition, pocket size, 15 paltes. 1857: Paris."
| | | Creator: | Bugeaud, Thomas Robertduc d'Isly, 1784-1849 | | | | Pardigon, C. F. | | | | Jomini, Antoine Henribaron de, 1779-1869 | | | Publication: | West and Johnson, Richmond,1863. | | | Notes: | Publisher's label mounted on cover: Jomini's practice of war. | | | Call #: | U102 B931 | | | Extent: | xiii p., 1 l., [13]-216 p. 12 pl. (2 fold.) 15 cm. | | | Subjects: | Military art and science | Confederate imprints, 1861-1865
| | | |
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Book | Save | 24 | Title: | The military profession in the United States: and the means of promoting is usefulness and honour; an address, delivered before the Dialectic society of the corps of cadets of the Military Academy, Westpoint, at the close of the annual examination, June 19th, 1839
| | | Creator: | Butler, Benjamin F. (Benjamin Franklin), 1795-1858 | | | Publication: | S. Colman, New-York,1839. | | | Call #: | U410 F5B8 | | | Extent: | 46 p. 23 cm. | | | Subjects: | Military art and science | Military education -- United States
| | | |
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Book | Save | 27 | Title: | War's new weapons: an expert analysis in plain language of the weapons and methods used in the present great war
| | | Creator: | Dewitz, Hrolf vonbaron, 1873- | | | Publication: | Dodd, Mead and company, New York,[c1915] | | | Call #: | U105 D5 | | | Extent: | xvi p., 1 l., 295 p. front., plates. 20 cm. | | | Subjects: | Military art and science | Naval art and science
| | | |
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Book | Save | 28 | Title: | A survey of German tactics, 1918
| | | Creator: | United States Army. A.E.F., 1917-1920. General Staff. | | | | Army War College (U.S.) Historical Section. | | | Publication: | n.p.],1918. | | | Notes: | "War Dept. doc. no. 883. Office of the Adjutant-General." Also issued by Historical Section, General Staff, A.E.F., as Tactical studies, no. 1. | | | Call #: | D570 A2A51 no.1 | | | Extent: | 59 p. 20 cm. | | | Subjects: | Tactics | Military art and science
| | | |
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Book | Save | 29 | Title: | Report on the art of war in Europe in 1854, 1855, and 1856
| | | Creator: | United States Military Commission to Europe, 1855-1856. | | | | Delafield, Richard, 1798-1873 | | | Publication: | G. W. Bowman, printer, Washington,1861. | | | Notes: | Added t.p. engraved in color. | | | Call #: | UA646 U5 1861 | | | Extent: | xxiv, 277 p. illus. (part col.), maps (part fold.) 31 cm. | | | Subjects: | Military art and science | Crimean War, 1853-1856
| | | |
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Book | Save | 30 | Title: | Organization and tactics
| | | Creator: | Wagner, Arthur L. (Arthur Lockwood), 1853-1905 | | | Publication: | Hudson-Kimberly publishing co, W. H. Allen & co. (limited), Kansas City, Mo, London,[pref. 1897] | | | Notes: | "List of books consulted in the preparation of this work": p. xiii-xvi. | | | Call #: | U102 W132 | | | Extent: | xxi, 551 p. illus. (map) diagrs. 22 cm. | | | Subjects: | Military art and science | Tactics
| | | |
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Book | Save | 32 | Title: | Manual of military reconnaissances, temporary fortification and partisan warfare, for officers of infantry and cavalry
| | | Alt. Title: | Manuel des reconnaissances militaires. English. 1862
| | | Creator: | Le Louterel, Franðcois Philippe, b. 1789 | | | | Richardson, John M. (John Manly), 1831-1898 | | | Publication: | J. McPherson & Co, Atlanta, Ga,1862. | | | Notes: | Gen. LeLouterel's work, (4th edition, Paris, 1850), of which this is, in the main, a translation ..."--Pref. p. [xi] | | | Call #: | U104 L4 | | | Extent: | xii, 106 p. illus., fold. plates. 15 cm. | | | Subjects: | Military art and science | Confederate imprints, 1861-1865
| | | |
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Book | Save | 33 | Title: | The armies of Europe: comprising descriptions in detail of the military systems of England, France, Russia, Prussia, Austria, and Sardinia; adapting their advantages to all arms of the United States service: and embodying the report of observations in Europe during the Crimean war, as military commissioner from the United States government, in 1855-56
| | | Creator: | United States Military Commission to Europe, 1855-1856. | | | | McClellan, George Brinton, 1826-1885 | | | Publication: | J. B. Lippincott & co, Philadelphia,1861. | | | Call #: | U104 M126 | | | Extent: | 499 p. illus. 23 cm. | | | Subjects: | United States. -- Army. -- Cavalry | Military art and science
| | | |
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Book | Save | 34 | Title: | The art of war. In seven books
| | | Creator: | Machiavelli, Niccoláo, 1469-1527 | | | | Gentleman of the State of New-York | | | Publication: | Printed by Henry C. Southwick, Albany,1815. | | | Notes: | "Some anecdotes, relating to the life and writings of Nicolas Machiavel, collected from various authors" : p. [287]-322. "Hints relative to torpedo warfare, by a gentleman of the state of New-York" : p. [323]-349. | | | Call #: | U101 M149A5 | | | Extent: | 349 p. : ill., fold. plans ; 23 cm. | | | Subjects: | Military art and science | Imprints, Early American To 1820
| | | |
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Book | Save | 36 | Title: | The spirit of military institutions
| | | Alt. Title: | De l§esprit des institutions militaries. English
| | | Creator: | Marmont, Auguste Frâedâeric Louis Viesse deduc de Raguse, 1774-1852 | | | | Schaller, Frank. | | | | Jomini, Antoine Henribaron de, 1779-1869 | | | Publication: | Evans and Cogswell, Columbia, S.C,1864. | | | Notes: | "List of works used in the preparation of notes": p. [15]-16. | | | Call #: | U102 M383 | | | Extent: | 278 p. 18 cm. | | | Subjects: | Military art and science | Confederate imprints, 1861-1865
| | | |
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Book | Save | 37 | Title: | Letters on tactics and organization, or, English military institutions and the continental systems
| | | Creator: | Maude, F. N. (Frederic Natusch), 1854-1933 | | | Publication: | George A. Spooner, Leavenworth, Kan,1891. | | | Notes: | Cover title: "Letters on tactics and organization". | | | Call #: | U17 M44 | | | Extent: | 307 p. ; 23 cm. | | | Subjects: | Tactics | Military art and science
| | | |
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Book | Save | 39 | Title: | The officer's manual: Napoleon's maxims of war
| | | Creator: | NapoleonI, Emperor of the French, 1769-1821 | | | | Burnod, ------ | | | | D'Aguilar, George CharlesSir, 1784-1855 | | | Publication: | West & Johnston, Richmond,1862. | | | Notes: | Contains LXXVIII maxims, annotated by M. Burnod and translated by Sir George C. D'Aguilar. | | | Call #: | U19 N216 | | | Extent: | 159 p. 15 cm. | | | Subjects: | Military art and science | Confederate imprints, 1861-1865
| | | |
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Book | Save | 40 | Title: | Air science II
| | | Creator: | United States Air Force. Continental Air Command. | | | Publication: | Continental Air Command, Mitchel Air Force Base, N.Y,1949. | | | Notes: | "This manual supersedes ConAC manual 50-200-2 vol. II, parts 8, 10, 11 and 14"--Title page verso. "April 1949"--Title page. | | | Call #: | UG630 .U581 1949 | | | Extent: | 1 volume : illustrations, maps ; 28 cm. | | | Subjects: | Aeronautics, Military | Military art and science
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