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Labor movement -- United States. in subject [X]
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African American social workers. (1)
African American women -- Ohio -- Cleveland. (1)
African American women -- United States. (1)
African American women public relations personnel. (1)
African Americans -- Ohio -- Cleveland. (1)
African Americans -- Relations with Russians. (1)
African Americans. (1)
American Zionist Council. (1)
American Zionist Emergency Council. (1)
American Zionist Policy Committee. (1)
Anglo-American Committee of Inquiry on Jewish Problems in Palestine and Europe. (1)
Anti-Nazi movements -- Ohio -- Cleveland. (1)
Civil rights movements -- United States. (1)
Cleveland Bureau of Jewish Education (Cleveland, Ohio). (1)
Cleveland Zionist Society (Cleveland, Ohio). (1)
Insurance, Unemployment -- Ohio. (1)
Israel -- Politics and government. (1)
Jewish Agency for Palestine. (1)
Jewish Agency for Palestine. American Section. (1)
Jewish Community Council (Cleveland, Ohio) (1)
Jewish Community Federation (Cleveland, Ohio) (1)
Jewish National Fund. (1)
Jewish Welfare Federation (Cleveland, Ohio) (1)
Jews -- Ohio -- Cleveland. (1)
Jews -- Palestine. (1)
Jews -- United States. (1)
Joint Distribution Committee of the American Funds for Jewish War Sufferers. (1)
Judaism. (1)
Keren Hayesod. (1)
Labor movement -- United States.[X]
League for Human Rights (Cleveland, Ohio) (1)
Moon family. (1)
Moon, Henry Lee, 1901- (1)
Moon, Joseph Herbert. (1)
Moon, Leah. (1)
Moon, Mollie Lewis. (1)
Moon, Roddy K., 1868-1952. (1)
National Association for the Advancement of Colored People. (1)
National Urban League. (1)
Ohio Commission on Unemployment Insurance. (1)
Open and closed shop -- Ohio -- Cleveland. (1)
Palestine -- Emigration and immigration. (1)
Palestine -- Politics and government. (1)
Rabbis -- Ohio -- Cleveland -- Archives. (1)
Reform Judaism. (1)
Refugees, Jewish. (1)
Temple (Cleveland, Ohio) (1)
United Jewish Appeal. (1)
United Palestine Appeal (U.S.) (1)
United States -- Race relations. (1)
Zionism -- United States. (1)
Zionism. (1)
Zionist Organization of America. (1)
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1Title:  Henry Lee Moon Family Papers, Series II     
 Creator:  Moon, Henry Lee Family 
 Dates:  1885-1985 
 Abstract:  The Henry Lee Moon family was a prominent twentieth century Cleveland, Ohio, African American family involved in civil rights and community organizations. In 1912, Roddy K. Moon helped form the Cleveland Branch of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP), and served as its founding president 1912-1916. He was also on the board of the Negro Welfare Association, supported the Phillis Wheatley Association, and in 1933 organized the Palmetto Club. His wife, Leah Anna Himes Moon, was a fifty-year member of the Cleveland Branch NAACP, and with her husband was a founding member of the Forest City Garden Club. Roddy and Leah Moon had three surviving children; Joseph Herbert, Ella Elizabeth, and Henry Lee. Ella Moon was a teacher, an active member of the Forest City Garden Club, and was married to Clyde Smith. Henry Lee Moon was a newspaper editor, press relations secretary for Tuskegee Institute (1926-1931), and worked for the Federal Writers Project of the Works Progress Administration. Moon, along with his future wife and other African Americans, traveled to the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics for consultations concerning a government sponsored film project on the history of black America. From 1938-1944 he was race relations adviser for the Federal Public Housing Authority. He also worked as assistant director to the Political Action Committee of the Congress of Industrial Organizations (CIO). He was active with the NAACP, becoming its director of public relations in 1948-1960. He was the author of two books; Balance of Power: the Negro Vote (1948) and The Emerging Thought of W.E. B. Dubois (1972). His wife, Mollie Virgil Lewis Moon, was a pharmacist, and later worked as a social worker with the Department of Social Services in New York City. She was also a public relations executive, founder and chairman of the National Urban League Guild (1942-1962), and trustee and secretary of the National Urban League (1955-1962). After World War II, she became involved with the "brown-babies" of Germany campaign, which attempted to provide relief for orphaned or abandoned children of mixed African and European or American ancestry. The collection consists of booklets, cards, certificates, correspondence, financial records, letters, memorandum, minutes, newspaper clippings, reports, publications, pamphlets, proposals, speeches, telegrams, published and unpublished writings, and memorabilia. 
 Call #:  MS 4823 
 Extent:  1.40 linear feet (4 containers) 
 Subjects:  Moon family. | Moon, Henry Lee, 1901- | Moon, Mollie Lewis. | Moon, Roddy K., 1868-1952. | Moon, Joseph Herbert. | Moon, Leah. | National Association for the Advancement of Colored People. | National Urban League. | African Americans. | African Americans -- Ohio -- Cleveland. | Civil rights movements -- United States. | Labor movement -- United States. | African American women -- United States. | African American women -- Ohio -- Cleveland. | African American women public relations personnel. | African Americans -- Relations with Russians. | African American social workers. | United States -- Race relations.
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2Title:  Abba Hillel Silver Papers     
 Creator:  Silver, Abba Hillel 
 Dates:  1902-1989 
 Abstract:  Rabbi Abba Hillel Silver (1893-1963) was the rabbi at The Temple, Cleveland, Ohio, and prominent leader of the Zionist movement for a Jewish homeland. The collection consists of personal and professional correspondence, sermons, writings, speaking engagements files, scrapbooks and miscellaneous personal material. The bulk of the material is in the correspondence series and includes minutes, publications, reports, financial statements and confidential notes relating to Rabbi Silver's participation in numerous local and national organizations, especially Zionist groups. Important material relating to the American Zionist Emergency Council, the Zionist Organization of America, the Jewish Agency for Palestine, the United Jewish Appeal, United Palestine Appeal and the American Zionist Policy Committee is found in the collection. Also included is significant material relating to Cleveland Jewish organizations and other civic groups, such as The Temple (Temple-Tifereth Israel), Cleveland Bureau of Jewish Education, the Jewish Community Council, the Jewish Welfare Federation of Cleveland, and the Cleveland Zionist Society. In addition, the collection contains an extensive file of Silver's speeches, sermons, books, articles and other writings on Zionism, Judaism and other topics, and assorted material relating to Silver's personal life 
 Call #:  MS 4787 
 Extent:  94.20 linear feet (135 containers and 2 oversize folders) 
 Subjects:  American Zionist Policy Committee. | American Zionist Council. | American Zionist Emergency Council. | Anglo-American Committee of Inquiry on Jewish Problems in Palestine and Europe. | Cleveland Bureau of Jewish Education (Cleveland, Ohio). | Jewish Welfare Federation (Cleveland, Ohio) | Jewish National Fund. | Jewish Agency for Palestine. American Section. | Jewish Agency for Palestine. | Joint Distribution Committee of the American Funds for Jewish War Sufferers. | Keren Hayesod. | Ohio Commission on Unemployment Insurance. | Jewish Community Federation (Cleveland, Ohio) | Jewish Community Council (Cleveland, Ohio) | Temple (Cleveland, Ohio) | United Palestine Appeal (U.S.) | United Jewish Appeal. | Cleveland Zionist Society (Cleveland, Ohio). | League for Human Rights (Cleveland, Ohio) | Zionist Organization of America. | Rabbis -- Ohio -- Cleveland -- Archives. | Zionism. | Zionism -- United States. | Palestine -- Emigration and immigration. | Palestine -- Politics and government. | Israel -- Politics and government. | Refugees, Jewish. | Jews -- Palestine. | Jews -- United States. | Jews -- Ohio -- Cleveland. | Judaism. | Reform Judaism. | Labor movement -- United States. | Insurance, Unemployment -- Ohio. | Open and closed shop -- Ohio -- Cleveland. | Anti-Nazi movements -- Ohio -- Cleveland.
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