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Merchants Association of New York in subject [X]
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Merchants -- New York (State) (1)
Merchants Association of New York[X]
Periodicals and NewspapersRequires cookie*
1Title:  Year book    
 Creator:  Merchants' Association of New York 
 Publication:  The Association, New York,1906-1930]. 
 Notes:  From 1899-1904 the Association published each year in pamphlet form the president's annual report (except 1902-1903); in 1905 the list of members was included with the report, in a pamphlet entitled: Officers, directors, committees, members, annual reports, by-laws, etc. In 1906 the regular issue of the Yearbook was begun. 
 Call #:  F9ZMC M554Y 
 Extent:  v. : ill. ; 23 cm. 
 Subjects:  Merchants Association of New York | Merchants -- New York (State)
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