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Freemasons -- Handbooks, manuals, etc in subject [X]
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Freemasonry -- Rituals (1)
Freemasons -- Handbooks, manuals, etc[X]
Ohio imprints 1851 (1)
1Title:  The mystic circle, and American hand-book of masonry: Containing: A brief history of free masonry in Europe and America. Symbolic chart. Ancient constitutions of the Grand lodge of England. Ahiman rezon. Constitutional rules. Resolutions, decisions, and opinions of grand lodges and enlightened masons on questions liable to arise in subordinate lodges. A code of by-laws for subordinate lodges. Instructions, suggestions and forms, for secretaries of lodges    
 Creator:  Gray, George H. 
 Publication:  H. W. Derby and Co, Cincinnati,1851. 
 Call #:  HS395 G779 
 Extent:  iii, 4-6, vii-xxiii, 25-472 p., front., (port.), illus., 20 cm. 
 Subjects:  Freemasons -- Handbooks, manuals, etc | Ohio imprints 1851
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2Title:  The masonic manual: a pocket companion for the initiated, containing the rituals of freemasonry, embraced in the degrees of the lodge, chapter and encampment, embellished with upwards of three hundred engravings, together with forms of masonic documents, notes, songs, dates, etc    
 Creator:  Macoy, Robert, 1815-1895 
 Publication:  Clark & Maynard, New York,1858. 
 Notes:  On cover: Macoy's masonic manual. 
 Call #:  B 2918 
 Extent:  299, vi p., [11] leaves of plates : ill. ; 12 cm. 
 Subjects:  Freemasons -- Handbooks, manuals, etc | Freemasonry -- Rituals
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