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Ferraro, Geraldine -- Photograph collections. in subject [X]
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1Title:  Lana Moresky Photographs     
 Creator:  Moresky, Lana 
 Dates:  1980 
 Abstract:  Lana Moresky (b. 1946) is a Women's rights activist from Cleveland, Ohio, and officer of the National Organization for Women (NOW). In 1972, Moresky joined the Cleveland, Ohio NOW. By 1973 she was a member of the executive board and a state delegate, and, in 1974, Moresky became state NOW coordinator. In 1976 she was elected to a seat on the NOW national board. Moresky remained involved in NOW, particularly at the local level, throughout the 1980s, even as her political and women's rights activities increased and diversified. Her involvement included: Ohio Attorney General's Task Force on Sexism in Education, Cuyahoga County Democratic Executive Committee, Twenty-Second District Caucus chairperson, Democratic National Convention delegate, and Cleveland board member of Americans for Democratic Action. The collection consists of photographs from the 1980 presidential election campaign, including individual and group portraits of Lana Moresky, Walter Mondale, Geraldine Ferraro, Ted Kennedy, Joan Kennedy, Patrick Kennedy, Eleanor Smeal, and Howard Metzenbaum. Also included are views of Kennedy delegates from the 22nd Congressional district, a Kennedy rally at the Old Arcade, and the 1980 Reagan inauguration. 
 Call #:  PG 426 
 Extent:  0.10 linear feet (1 container) 
 Subjects:  Moresky, Lana, 1946- -- Photograph collections. | Kennedy, Edward Moore, 1932- -- Photograph collections. | Mondale, Walter F., 1928- -- Photograph collections. | Ferraro, Geraldine -- Photograph collections. | Smeal, Eleanor -- Photograph collections. | Metzenbaum, Howard M. -- Photograph collections. | Democratic Party (Cuyahoga County, Ohio) -- Photograph collections. | Presidents -- United States -- Election -- 1980 -- Photographs.
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