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Architectural firms -- Ohio -- Cleveland -- Photographs. in subject [X]
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1Title:  Walker and Weeks Photographs     
 Creator:  Walker and Weeks 
 Dates:  1920-1950 
 Abstract:  Walker and Weeks was the foremost architectural firm in Cleveland, Ohio, in the 1920s. The firm specialized in bank buildings, religious structures in classical revival styles, and major commercial and public buildings. The collection consists of photographs and negatives of the buildings, arches, memorials, and proposed plans designed by the Cleveland, Ohio architectural firm of Walker and Weeks. Buildings and structures depicted include Cuyahoga County Hospital; Allen Memorial Library; the American Legion statue; the Burton Memorial; Broadway Savings and Trust Co.; Cleveland Board of Education; Case Observatory; Citizens Savings and Trust Co.; Cleveland Discount Co.; Cleveland Heights High School; Cleveland Post Office; several branches of the Cleveland Public Library; the Cleveland Mall plan; Collinwood Neighborhood Center; Columbus Memorial Lighthouse competition; Commerce National Bank of Toledo, Ohio; proposed plans of Fairmount Presbyterian Church; First Church of Christ Scientist; Foster Mausoleum; Garfield Bank; Gates Mills Town Hall; Cleveland Museum of Art; Guaranty Savings and Loan Co.; Guardian Bank Building; Hanna family headstones; Harrison County, W. Va. Courthouse; Hathaway Brown School; Hattonchata Arch, Hatlonchatel, Belgium; Lincoln Memorial in Cleveland; Lorain County Savings and Trust Co.; Merchants Bank; Metcalf family headstones; Midland Bank; Montfaucon Clock Tower, Montfaucon, Belgium; Mount Union College; Oberlin College swimming pool; Ohio Wesleyan College; Public Auditorium; Street Light Standard; Severance Hall; United Banking and Trust Co.; Central National Bank; Providence Memorial, Providence, Rhode Island; University Circle; University School; Wesleyan College, Macon, Georgia; and various unidentified photographs and negatives. 
 Call #:  PG 109 
 Extent:  1.40 linear feet (4 containers) 
 Subjects:  Walker and Weeks (Firm) -- Photograph collections. | Architecture -- Ohio -- Cleveland -- Photographs. | Buildings -- Ohio -- Cleveland -- Photographs. | Architectural firms -- Ohio -- Cleveland -- Photographs.
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