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Stroup family. in subject [X]
Methodist Church -- Clergy. in subject [X]
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1Title:  Russell Cartwright Stroup Papers     
 Creator:  Stroup, Russell Cartwright 
 Dates:  1942-1970 
 Abstract:  Russell Cartwright Stroup was a Methodist minister and later a Presbyterian minister who spent his early years in East Cleveland, Ohio. He was the son of Ner Wallace Stroup and Emma Cartwright Stroup. In 1914, his father was killed and his mother crippled in a trolley accident, and in 1918 Emma Stroup moved with her three children to California. Russell Stroup attended Stanford University and Drew Theological Seminary. He served two Methodist churches in California from 1927-1934. He moved to Virginia with his mother and brother in 1934, and served as the pastor of the First Presbyterian Church in Lynchburg, Virginia. Although a pacifist, he enlisted in the United States Army in World War II, serving as a chaplain in the South Pacific. In 1947 he married Louis Wells Baker. He was pastor of Georgetown Presbyterian Church in Washington, D.C. 1950-1970, and died in 1977. His nephew, Richard Cartwright Austin, edited a book based on Stroup's letters, entitled Letters from the Pacific: a Combat Chaplain in World War II. Austin is the great-grandson of the founder of the Cleveland, Ohio, firm, the Austin Company. The collection consists of certificates, a diary, envelopes, letters, newspaper and Congressional Record clippings, programs, publications, and service records related to Russell Cartwright Stroup's World War II service in the South Pacific as an army chaplain. 
 Call #:  MS 4839 
 Extent:  0.41 linear feet (1 container and 1 oversize folder) 
 Subjects:  Stroup, Russell Cartwright, 1905-1977. | Stroup family. | Austin family. | United States. Army -- Chaplains -- Correspondence. | World War, 1939-1945 -- Personal narratives, American. | Chaplains, Military -- United States -- Correspondence. | World War, 1939-1945 -- Campaigns -- Pacific Ocean -- Correspondence. | World War, 1939-1945 -- Chaplains -- United States -- Correspondence. | Methodist Church -- Clergy. | Presbyterian Church -- Clergy.
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