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Cement industry workers -- Labor unions -- Ohio -- Cleveland in subject [X]
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1Title:  Operative Plasterers and Cement Masons International Association of the United States and Canada, Local 80 Records     
 Creator:  Operative Plasterers and Cement Masons International Association of the United States and Canada, Local 80 
 Dates:  1920-1977 
 Abstract:  Local 80 was chartered in 1890 as a Cleveland, Ohio, Local of the Operative Plasterers (est. 1864). Local 80 was dropped in 1898 but rechartered in 1899. The cement masons were admitted to the union in 1914. Membership in the Local was and is predominantly Italian. The collection consists of constitutions, minutes of regular and executive meetings, agreements with contractors' associations, correspondence, financial reports and records, arbitration and court cases, and membership records. 
 Call #:  MS 4055 
 Extent:  6.20 linear feet (7 containers) 
 Subjects:  Cement industry workers -- Labor unions -- Ohio -- Cleveland | Plasterers -- Labor unions -- Ohio -- Cleveland | Building trades -- Ohio -- Cleveland | Italian Americans -- Ohio -- Cleveland | Construction industry -- Ohio -- Cleveland -- Employees | Collective labor agreements -- Construction industry -- Ohio -- Cleveland | Wages -- Cement industry workers -- Ohio -- Cleveland | Wages -- Building trades -- Ohio -- Cleveland | Cement industry workers -- Ohio -- Cleveland | Plasterers -- Ohio -- Cleveland
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