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Georgia infantry. -- 4th regt. -- 1861-1865 in subject [X]
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1Title:  History of the Doles-Cook brigade of northern Virginia, C.S. A: containing muster roles of each company of the Fourth, Twelfth, Twenty-first and Forty-fourth Georgia regiments, with a short sketch of the services of each member, and a complete history of each regiment, by one of its own members    
 Creator:  Thomas, Henry W. (Henry Walter), 1842- 
 Publication:  The Franklin printing and Pub. Co, Atlanta, Ga,1903. 
 Notes:  "The author is indebted to Charles Tim Furlow of the Fourth, Charles D. Camp and B.F. Jones of the Twenty-first, and M.V. B. Ketes of the Forty-fourth Georgia regiments for their services in writing the histories of their respective regiments."--Pref., p. vii. 
 Call #:  E559 DT4 
 Extent:  x, 629 p., 1 l., 631-632 p. front., plates, ports. 23 cm. 
 Subjects:  Georgia infantry. -- Doles-Cook brigade | Georgia infantry. -- 4th regt. -- 1861-1865 | Georgia infantry. -- 12th regt., -- 1861-1865 | Georgia infantry. -- 21st regt., -- 1861-1865 | Georgia infantry. -- 44th regt., -- 1852-1865 | United States -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865 -- Regimental histories -- Georgia Infantry
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