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Distillation (1)
Formulas, recipes, etc (1)
1Title:  The complete distiller    
 Creator:  Cooper, A. (Ambrose) 
 Publication:  Printed for Valiant, 1757 ; reprinted for Hamilton, London,1797. 
 Notes:  "Containing I. The method of performing the various processes of distillation, with descriptions of the several instruments: the whole doctrine of fermentation: the manner of drawing spirits from malt, raisins, molasses, sugar, &c. and of rectifying them: with instructions for imitating to the greatest perfection both the colour and flavour of French brandies. II. The manner of distilling all kinds of simple water from plants, flowers, &c. III. The method of making all the compound waters and rich cordials so largely imported from France anf Italy; as likewise all those now made in Great Britain, to which are added, accurate descriptions of the several drugs, plants, flowers, fruits, &c used by distillers, and instructions for using the best of each kind. The whole delivered in the plainest manner, for the use of both distillers and private families." Includes index. 
 Call #:  TP589 C776 
 Extent:  259 p. : ill. 
 Subjects:  Distillation | Perfumery | Formulas, recipes, etc
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