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Venezuela -- Claims in subject [X]
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1Title:  Venezuelan arbitrations of 1903: including protocols, personnel and rules of commissions, opinions, and summary of awards, with appendix containing Venezuelan Yellow book of 1903, Bowen pamphlet entitled "Venezuelan protocols," and "Preferential question" Hague decision, with history of recent Venezuelan revolutions    
 Creator:  Ralston, Jackson H. (Jackson Harvey), 1857-1945 
 Doyle, W. T. Sherman.
 Publication:  G.P.O, Washington,1904. 
 Notes:  "The 10 commissions included are those appointed by Venezuela with each one of the following countries: United States, Belgium, Great Britain, France, Germany, Italy, Mexico, Netherlands, spain, and Sweden and Norway. The protocols are in English, and in 8 of the 10 cases in a foreign language also."--Catalogue of U.S. pub. doc. 1904, p. 589. Issued also as Senate doc. 316, 58th Cong., 2d sess. Includes bibliographical references (p. xiv-xxv) and index. 
 Call #:  JX618 A2R3 
 Extent:  xxviii, 1105 p. ; 23 cm. 
 Subjects:  Venezuela -- Claims | Venezuela -- History -- Revolution, 1902-1903
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