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Wholesale trade -- Ohio -- Cleveland in subject [X]
Feren, Maury in subject [X]
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Distributors (Commerce) -- Ohio -- Cleveland (1)
Feren, Maury[X]
Fruit trade -- Ohio -- Cleveland (1)
Jews -- Ohio -- Cleveland (1)
Wholesale trade -- Ohio -- Cleveland[X]
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1Title:  Maury Feren Papers, Series II     
 Creator:  Gift of Maury Feren 
 Dates:  1932-2013 
 Abstract:  Maurice "Maury" and his wife Bess Nagelbush started the M.B. Feren Produce business in the 1940s, which quickly became the leading wholesale fruit supplier in Cleveland. Feren also founded Feren Fruit Basket, a retail gift basket business, and Fruit Baskets by Maury. Feren became widely known throughout Cleveland on radio and television programs from the 1940s to 2010 where he commented on food and nutrition. He also lectured on food, physical fitness, and other topics at local colleges and universities. The collection consists of articles, audio cassettes, awards, books published by Maury Feren, a booklet, a certificate, CDs and DVDs, correspondence, drafts, a Glenville High School diploma, handwritten memoirs, newspaper clippings, photographs, reels, and VHS tapes. 
 Call #:  MS 5444 
 Extent:  4.5 linear feet (9 containers and 1 oversized folder) 
 Subjects:  Feren, Maury | Jews -- Ohio -- Cleveland | Distributors (Commerce) -- Ohio -- Cleveland | Wholesale trade -- Ohio -- Cleveland | Fruit trade -- Ohio -- Cleveland
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