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May, Erma Beebe, in subject [X]
Beebe, Emmet A., 1849-1933. in subject [X]
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1Title:  Emmet A. Beebe Family Papers     
 Creator:  Beebe, Emmet A. 
 Dates:  1872-1965 
 Abstract:  Emmet Beebe was the great-grandson of David Beebe, Sr., a pioneer settler of Ridgeville Township in Lorain County, Ohio. Emmet was born in North Ridgeville in 1849 and spent his early life working on the family farm. In 1885 he married Mary Elizabeth Bailus at Dover, Ohio. About 1887 they moved to a farm near Tustin, Michigan, where Emmet was also engaged in the lumbering business. In the late 1920s the Beebes returned to North Ridgeville. The collection consists of diaries of Emmet and Mary Beebe and Erma Beebe May, correspondence, genealogical materials, account books, business papers, school work, recipe books, a tatting collection, clippings, and miscellaneous papers. Genealogical charts have been prepared and are found at the end of the register as an appendix. 
 Call #:  MS 3738 
 Extent:  1.40 linear feet (2 containers) 
 Subjects:  Beebe, Emmet A., 1849-1933. | Farm life -- Ohio -- Lorain County. | Farm life -- Michigan -- Osceola County. | Beebe, Mary Elizabeth Bailus, | May, Erma Beebe,
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