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1Title:  A manual of etherization: containing directions for the employment of ether, chloroform, and other anµsthetic agents, by inhalation, in surgical operations; intended for military and naval surgeons, and all who may be exposed to surgical operations; with instructions for the preparation of ether and chloroform, and for testing them for impurities. Comprising, also, a brief history of the discovery of anµsthesia    
 Creator:  Jackson, Charles T. (Charles Thomas), 1805-1880 
 Publication:  Published for the author by J. B. Mansfield, Boston,1861. 
 Notes:  LA1935-228 James A. Garfield bookplate "Gen. Garfield, with the compliments of John L. Hayes." Location: 228.5-6/3-A. "List of authors, who have published works on the anµsthetic use of ether and chloroform": pp. 125-27. 
 Call #:  LA1935-228 
 Extent:  134 p. ; 20 cm. 
 Subjects:  Anesthesiology
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