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Mohawk River Valley (N.Y.) (1)
Mohawk Trail[X]
1Title:  The old Mohawk Turnpike book: A historical and present-day description of the Mohawk Valley, from Schenectady to Rome, traversed by this historic road - originally the Iriquois Trail, later the King's Highway, a Revolutionary Military Road, the freight and stage road incorporated as the Mohawk Turnpike in 1800, later paralleled by the Erie and Barge Canals and the New York Central Lines, and today the Mohawk River section of the world's greatest automobile route - the New York to Buffalo Highway    
 Creator:  Greene, Nelson. 
 Publication:  Fort Plain, N.Y,1924. 
 Notes:  "The first edition of this book was issued for the Mohawk Valley Historic Association." 
 Call #:  F9X M697G7 
 Extent:  291 p. incl. front. illus. 23 cm. 
 Subjects:  Mohawk Trail | Mohawk River Valley (N.Y.)
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