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Millcayac language[X]
1Title:  Discovery of a fragment of the printed copy of the work on the Millcayac language by Luis de Valdivia    
 Creator:  Schuller, Rodolfo R., 1873-1932 
 Valdivia, Luis de, 1561-1642
 Publication:  The Museum, Cambridge, Mass,1913. 
 Notes:  The fragment in question consists of two pages of the text of Valdivia's "Doctrina christiana" [y cathecismo en la lengua millcayac?] numbered on recto "12" and title-leaf of his "Confessionario breve en la lengua millcayac" numbered on recto "21", the t.-p. having imprint: En Lima por Francisco del Canto, aäno 1607. The titles quoted appear to have been those of the 1st and 2d parts of a work in 4 parts, issued in Lima in 1607, accompanying a similar work prepared for the use of the Allentiac Indians. 
 Call #:  E51 H339P v.3, no.5 
 Extent:  1 p. l., p. 223-258 incl. facsims. 25 cm. 
 Subjects:  Millcayac language
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