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Rhode Island -- History, Military in subject [X]
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Rhode Island -- History, Military[X]
Rhode Island -- Registers (1)
Rhode Island. -- Militia (1)
Soldiers -- Rhode Island (1)
1Title:  Civil and military list of Rhode Island. 1647-1800: A list of all officers elected by the General assembly from the organization of the legislative government of the colony to 1800. Comp. from the records by Joseph Jencks Smith    
 Creator:  Smith, Joseph Jencks, d. 1907 
 Publication:  Preston and Rounds co, Providence, R.I,1900. 
 Notes:  Supplemented by "Civil and military list of Rhode Island. 1800-1850." 1901. Each volume contains its own index at the end, but a much more complete and satisfactory one was issued by the Compiler in 1907 under title: New index to the Civil and military list. 
 Call #:  E263 R475S 1647-1800 
 Extent:  vii, 659 p. 29 cm. 
 Subjects:  Rhode Island. -- Militia | Soldiers -- Rhode Island | Rhode Island -- Registers | Rhode Island -- History, Military
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