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Biblioteca apostolica vaticana -- Manuscripts in subject [X]
Manuscripts, Old Norse in subject [X]
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Book (1)
America -- Discovery and exploration -- Norse (1)
Biblioteca apostolica vaticana -- Manuscripts[X]
Manuscripts, Old Norse[X]
1Title:  The Flatey Book and recently discovered Vatican manuscripts concerning America as early as the tenth century: documents now published for the first time, which establish beyond controversy the claim that North America was settled by Norsemen five hundred years before the time of Columbus. Sagas that describe the voyages to, and character of, the new country, and letters from several popes directing bishops in their government of the church in the western world    
 Alt. Title:  Flateyjarbâok    
 Creator:  Anderson, Rasmus Bjèorn, 1846-1936 
 Publication:  Norr¶na Society, London, New York [etc.],1906. 
 Notes:  "The Flatey book manuscripts" (p. 5-8) signed: Rasmus B. Anderson. The Hauk book: p. [117]-125; Vatican manuscripts concerning the church in America before the time of Columbus: p. [127]-176. 
 Call #:  E105 F586 Oversize 
 Extent:  176 pages including facsimiles ; 32 cm. 
 Subjects:  Biblioteca apostolica vaticana -- Manuscripts | Manuscripts, Old Norse | America -- Discovery and exploration -- Norse
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