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Rennison, Edith Pearl, 1908- in subject [X]
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1Title:  Edith Pearl Rennison Genealogical Papers     
 Creator:  Rennison, Edith Pearl 
 Dates:  1913-1975 
 Abstract:  Edith Rennison (born 1908) was the descendant of William Adams of Connecticut, whose son John migrated to the Western Reserve in 1810 and settled near Columbia (Lorain County), of Thomas Osborn, who settled in Columbia Station (Lorain County) prior to 1812, and of William Rennison who came to Olmsted Falls, Ohio in 1876. The collection consists of family genealogies and historical anecdotes of the Adams, Osborn and Rennison families. Also included are miscellaneous family deeds. 
 Call #:  MS 4364 
 Extent:  0.20 linear feet (1 container) 
 Subjects:  Rennison, Edith Pearl, 1908- | Renison family. | Adams family. | Osborne family. | Frontier and pioneer life -- Ohio -- Western Reserve. | Ohio -- Genealogy.
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