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National Air Races (Cleveland, Ohio) -- History in subject [X]
National Air Races (Cleveland, Ohio) in subject [X]
Results:  1 Item
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Advertising -- Ohio -- Cleveland (1)
Airplane racing -- Ohio -- Cleveland. (1)
Exhibitions -- Ohio -- Cleveland (1)
Great Lakes Exposition (1)
Great Lakes Exposition -- (1936-1937 : -- Cleveland, Ohio) (1)
National Air Races (Cleveland, Ohio)[X]
National Air Races (Cleveland, Ohio) -- History[X]
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1Title:  Herbert E. Prentke Collection     
 Creator:  Prentke, Herbert E. 
 Dates:  1929-1958 
 Abstract:  Herbert Prentke was president of the Humphrey, Prentke & Associates advertising agency in Cleveland, Ohio. He was named advertising director for the 1929 National Air Races; he then directed the advertising and promotional campaigns for the National Aeronautical Exposition of 1929; the National Air Races of 1929, 1931, 1932, 1934 and 1935 (which were all held in Cleveland), and the Great Lakes Exposition of 1936-1937 that was also held in Cleveland, Ohio. The collection consists of artwork, banners, booklets, business documents, clippings, correspondence, directories, ephemera, film reels, membership cards, menus, newsletters, pamphlets, passes, photographs, pins, posters, programs, promotional materials, ribbons, signs and tickets. 
 Call #:  MS 5331 
 Extent:  7.90 linear feet (10 containers and 42 oversize folders) 
 Subjects:  Great Lakes Exposition | Great Lakes Exposition -- (1936-1937 : -- Cleveland, Ohio) | Exhibitions -- Ohio -- Cleveland | Airplane racing -- Ohio -- Cleveland. | National Air Races (Cleveland, Ohio) | National Air Races (Cleveland, Ohio) -- History | Advertising -- Ohio -- Cleveland
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