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Military deserters -- United States. in subject [X]
Cadwell, Darius, 1821-1905. in subject [X]
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1Title:  Darius Cadwell Papers     
 Creator:  Cadwell, Darius 
 Dates:  1848-1902 
 Abstract:  Darius Cadwell (1821-1905) was an Ohio State legislator, provost marshal for Ohio's 18th, 19th, and 20th districts, and lawyer, of Cleveland, Ohio. The collection consists of correspondence, circular orders and letters, abstracts, receipts, and other papers, relating especially to Cadwell's activities as provost marshall. Includes information on the administration of military justice, the draft, recruitment, and the apprehension of deserters during the American Civil War, and correspondence with James D. Ray, a real estate businessman of Duluth, Minnesota. 
 Call #:  MS 3283 
 Extent:  3.70 linear feet (8 containers) 
 Subjects:  Cadwell, Darius, 1821-1905. | Cadwell family. | United States. Army -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865. | United States. Army -- Recruiting, enlistment, etc. -- Civil War, 1861-1865. | Courts-martial and courts of inquiry -- United States. | Draft -- United States. | Military deserters -- United States. | Real property -- Minnesota -- Duluth. | United States -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865 -- Sources.
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