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Buckeye-Woodland Community Congress -- Archives. in subject [X]
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1Title:  Buckeye-Woodland Community Congress Records     
 Creator:  Buckeye-Woodland Community Congress 
 Dates:  1970-1988 
 Abstract:  The Buckeye-Woodland Community Congress was a neighborhood advocacy group which served as an umbrella organization for over 200 smaller groups in the Buckeye-Woodland area of Cleveland, Ohio, an east side Hungarian community established after 1880 which once held the largest concentration of Hungarians in the United States. By 1972, 43% of the population was African American, with 1/3rd of the Hungarian population over the age of 55. Founded to fight redlining, foreclosures, dishonest real-estate tactics, and insurance cancellations, the group sought also to ease racial tensions while promoting neighborly cooperation and civic improvement. From its founding in 1974 through the 1970s the group assisted citizens with neighborhood problems, but became inactive in the early 1980s and finally disbanded in 1988. The collection consists of minutes, articles of incorporation, constitutions, membership lists, newspaper clippings, financial papers, annual reports, agendas, correspondence, and a subject file. The collection is useful in understanding the development, daily operations, and demise of a neighborhood advocacy group, the issues they pursued, the actions they took, and the people involved. The collection reflects the group's attempts to maintain a diverse community in the face of heavy African American settlement. 
 Call #:  MS 4284 
 Extent:  5.20 linear feet (7 containers) 
 Subjects:  Buckeye-Woodland Community Congress -- Archives. | Neighborhood -- Ohio -- Cleveland. | Community development, Urban -- Ohio -- Cleveland. | Cleveland (Ohio) -- Race relations. | Buckeye-Woodland (Cleveland, Ohio)
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