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Public service employment -- Ohio. in subject [X]
Historic buildings -- Ohio. in subject [X]
Results:  1 Item
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Architecture, Domestic -- Ohio. (1)
Historic buildings -- Ohio.[X]
Public service employment -- Ohio.[X]
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1Title:  Historic American Buildings Survey, District 22 Records     
 Creator:  Historic American Buildings Survey, District 22 
 Dates:  1931-1942 
 Abstract:  The Historic American Buildings Survey was a national survey to record and catalog historic buildings. It began in 1934 as a federal make-work project to provide work for unemployed architects, draftsmen and photographers. It was initially funded and supervised by the Civil Works Administration and later supervised by the National Park Service, the American Institute of Architecture, and the Library of Congress, with a combination of private and Works Progress Administration (WPA) funds. William A. Bohnard was the first Northern Ohio District Officer. The collection consists of field notebooks, correspondence, articles, project histories, financial records, administrative forms, sketches, maps, blueprints, drawings, lists of buildings, and indexes of the HABS Northern Ohio District (District 22). 
 Call #:  MS 3352 
 Extent:  4.20 linear feet (10 containers) 
 Subjects:  Historic buildings -- Ohio. | Architecture, Domestic -- Ohio. | Public service employment -- Ohio.
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