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Ingham, Sylvia Geegan. in subject [X]
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1Title:  Sylvia Geegan Ingham Family Papers     
 Creator:  Ingham, Sylvia Geegan Family 
 Dates:  1838-1983 
 Abstract:  Sylvia Geegan Ingham was a descendant of the Woodford, Geegan, and Wehr families. A branch of the Woodford family settled in Youngstown Township, Trumbull County, Ohio, where Elmer Woodford married Emmelein Wehr. Their daughter, Cora Dell Woodford was the mother of Sylvia Woodford Geegan. Cora Dell Woodford married James Gordon Geegan. The Geegan family were originally from County Clare, Ireland. Sylvia Woodford Geegan married Roger Ward Ingham in 1946. The collection consists of family genealogies of Sylvia Woodford Geegan; her mother, Cora Dell Woodford; and her father, James Gordon Geegan. Genealogical charts for the Woodfords, dating back to 1667, are included. Historical anecdotes relating to the Wehr and Woodford families, and the birth certificate of Emmelein Wehr from Trumbull County, Ohio are also included. 
 Call #:  MS 4816 
 Extent:  0.20 linear feet (1 container) 
 Subjects:  Ingham, Sylvia Geegan. | Woodford family. | Geegan family. | Wehr family. | Irish Americans -- Ohio -- Trumbull County. | Trumbull County (Ohio) -- Genealogy.
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