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Massachusetts -- Boundaries -- New York (State) in subject [X]
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Article (2)
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1Title:  Collection of evidence in vindication of the territorial rights and jusrisdiction of the state of New York against the claims of the commonwealth of Massachusetts and New Hampshire and the people of the grants who are commonly called Vermonters    
 Parent:  New-York historical society. Collections. 1869. Publication fund series. New York, 1870. [v. 2]    
 Creator:  New York (State) Commissioners to Collect Evidence on the Boundaries and Jurisdiction of the State. 
 Duane, James, 1733-1797
 Scott, John Morin, 1730-1784
 Benson, Egbert, 1746-1833
 Call #:  F9B N531Cp v.2 
 Extent:  p. [277]-528. 25 cm. 
 Subjects:  New Hampshire grants | New York (State) -- Boundaries -- Vermont | Vermont -- Boundaries -- New York (State) | New York (State) -- Boundaries -- Massachusetts | Massachusetts -- Boundaries -- New York (State)
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2Title:  State of the evidence and argument in support of the territorial rights and jurisdiction of New York against the government of New Hampshire and the claimants under it, and against the commonwealth of Massachusetts    
 Parent:  Collections of the New-York Historical Society (1868) Collections of the New-York Historical Society. New York : The Society, 1868- . [v. 3] (1870)    
 Creator:  Duane, James, 1733-1797 
 Notes:  From the original manuscript in possession of the society. 
 Call #:  F9B N531Cp v.3 
 Extent:  2 p. l., p. 1-144. 25 cm. 
 Subjects:  New Hampshire grants | New York (State) -- Boundaries -- Vermont | Vermont -- Boundaries -- New York (State) | New York (State) -- Boundaries -- Massachusetts | Massachusetts -- Boundaries -- New York (State)
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