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United States. -- Army. -- Massachusetts Infantry Regiment, 22nd (1861-1864) in subject [X]
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1Title:  Henry Wilson's regiment: History of the Twenty-second Massachusetts infantry, the Second company sharpshooters, and the Third light battery, in the war of the rebellion    
 Creator:  Parker, John Lord. 
 Publication:  Pub. by the regimental association, Press of Rand Avery co, Boston,1887. 
 Notes:  "After the mustering out of the 22d Massachusetts infantry, in 1864, many of its survivors reenlisted with the 32d, which received also veterans from the 2d company of sharpshooters. Reenlisted soldiers of the 3d battery, light artillery, were transferred, 1864, to the 5th. 
 Call #:  E513.5 22d 
 Extent:  591 p. illus. 23 cm. 
 Subjects:  United States. -- Army. -- Massachusetts Infantry Regiment, 22nd (1861-1864) | United States. -- Army. -- Massachusetts Infantry Sharpshooters Company, 2nd (1861-1864) | United States. -- Army. -- Massachusetts Artillery Battery, 3rd (1861-1864) | United States. -- Army. -- Massachusetts Infantry Regiment, 32nd (1861-1865) | United States. -- Army. -- Massachusetts Artillery Battery, 5th (1861-1865) | United States -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865 -- Regimental histories
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