Subject • | African American actors -- Ohio -- Cleveland -- Photographs. |
| • | African American actresses -- Ohio -- Cleveland -- Photographs. |
| • | African American dancers -- Ohio -- Cleveland -- Photographs. |
| • | African American dramatists -- Ohio -- Cleveland -- Photographs. |
| • | African American social workers -- Ohio -- Cleveland -- Photographs. |
| • | African American theater -- Ohio -- Cleveland -- Photographs. |
| • | African Americans -- Ohio -- Cleveland -- Photographs. |
| • | African Americans in the performing arts -- Ohio -- Cleveland -- Photographs. |
| • | Bellamy, George Albert, 1872-1960 -- Photograph collections. |
| • | Boys -- Ohio -- Cleveland -- Societies and clubs -- Photographs. |
| • | Camps -- Ohio -- Chagrin Falls -- Photographs. |
| • | Celebrezze, Anthony J. (Anthony Joseph), 1910-1998 -- Photograph collections. |
| • | City and town life -- Ohio -- Cleveland -- Photographs. |
| • | Cleveland (Ohio) -- Race relations -- Photographs. |
| • | Cleveland (Ohio) -- Social conditions -- Photographs. |
| • | Community centers -- Ohio -- Cleveland -- Photographs. |
| • | Davis, Russell Howard, 1897-1976 -- Photograph collections. |
| • | Friendly Inn Social Settlement (Cleveland, Ohio) -- Photograph collections. |
| • | George, Zelma, 1903- -- Photograph collections. |
| • | Gilpin Players -- Photograph collections. |
| • | Handy, W. C. (William Christopher), 1873-1958 -- Photograph collections. |
| • | Hiram House Camp (Chagrin Falls, Ohio) -- Photograph collections. |
| • | Hiram House Social Settlement (Cleveland, Ohio) -- Photograph collections. |
| • | Hughes, Langston, 1902-1967 -- Photograph collections. |
| • | Immigrant children -- Ohio -- Cleveland -- Photographs. |
| • | Immigrants -- Housing -- Ohio -- Cleveland -- Photographs. |
| • | Immigrants -- Ohio -- Cleveland -- Photographs. |
| • | Italian Americans -- Ohio -- Cleveland -- Photographs. |
| • | Jackson, Perry B. (Perry Brooks), 1896- -- Photograph collections. |
| • | Jelliffe, Rowena Woodham, 1892-1992 -- Photograph collections. |
| • | Jelliffe, Russell W., 1891-1980 -- Photograph collections. |
| • | Jews -- Ohio -- Cleveland -- Photographs. |
| • | Karamu House -- Photograph collections. |
| • | Playhouse Settlement -- Photograph collections. |
| • | Recreation centers -- Ohio -- Cleveland -- Photographs. |
| • | School facilities -- Extended use -- Ohio -- Cleveland -- Photographs. |
| • | Social service -- Ohio -- Cleveland -- Photographs. |
| • | Social settlements -- Ohio -- Cleveland -- Photographs. | [X] | • | Social work with African Americans -- Ohio -- Cleveland -- Photographs. |
| • | Social workers -- Ohio -- Cleveland -- Photographs. |
| • | Storey, Ethel -- Photograph collections. |
| • | Theater -- Ohio -- Cleveland -- Photographs. |
| • | Theobald, George -- Photograph collections. |
| • | Urban poor -- Ohio -- Cleveland -- Photographs. |
| • | Walker, William O., 1896-1981 -- Photograph collections. |
| • | White, Charles William, 1897-1970 -- Photograph collections. |
| • | White, Michael R. -- Photograph collections. |
| • | Williamson, Katherine P., 1910-1964 -- Photograph collections. |
| • | Women social workers -- Ohio -- Cleveland -- Photographs. |
| Photograph Collection | Save | 1 | Title: | Karamu House Photographs
| | | Creator: | Karamu House | | | Dates: | 1915-1972 | | | Abstract: | Karamu House was founded in 1915 in Cleveland, Ohio, by Russell W. and Rowena Woodham Jelliffe, in conjunction with the Second Presbyterian Church Men's Club, as the Neighborhood Association (later as the Playhouse Settlement), a settlement house promoting interracial activities and cooperation through the performing arts. The Jelliffes saw a need to provide activities and social services for the city's growing African American population, in order to assist in their transition from rural Southern life to an urban setting. The Playhouse Settlement was renamed Karamu Theater in 1927. By 1941, the entire settlement had taken the name Karamu House. The Dumas Dramatic Club was created to support and encourage interest and activities in the performing arts. In 1922, the theater troupe's name was changed to The Gilpin Players in honor of noted African American actor Charles Gilpin. During the 1920s and 1930s, works by many accomplished playwrights were produced at Karamu, including those of Zora Neale Hurston, Eugene O'Neill, and Langston Hughes, whose career was launched at Karamu. In 1939, the house was destroyed by fire. Rebuilding was not completed until 1949. The Jelliffes' mission of an interracial institution continued until the late 1960s, when, under the leadership of new director Kenneth Snipes, Karamu's mission became one of promoting African-American theater and plays specifically about the African-American experience. During this time a professional troupe of actors was formed. In 1982, Karamu formally returned to its original mission as an interracial organization. The collection consists of individual and group portraits of Karamu House founders Russell and Rowena Jelliffe, administrators and staff, actors and performers, and community figures. Group portraits and views depict activities at Karamu, including classes, art exhibits, meetings, ceremonies, choral groups, clubs, and sports teams. Views of Karamu House facilities, buildings, and grounds, including photographs of the original buildings of the Playhouse Settlement, are included, as are views of plays performed. Notable individuals depicted include Garrett E. Morgan, Charles Gilpin, Al Fann, Dr. Ralph Bunche, Ida B. Wells, Eubie Blake, Noble Sissle, Harry E. Davis, James Weldon Johnson, Perry Como, Duke Ellington, Dizzy Gillespie, Ruby Dee, Raymond St. Jacques, Archibald MacLeish, Judge Charles White, Rev. Earl Preston, Charles Sallee, Carl Stokes, Louis Stokes, Jane Addams, Emily Laster, Wilhelmina Roberson, Dakota Staton, Harriet Tubman, and Julian Mayfield. Groups depicted include the Keystone Club, Golden Age Club, Cheerio Circle, the Karamu Dancers, Camp Karamu, and the Karamu Nursery School. | | | Call #: | PG 443 | | | Extent: | 1.81 linear feet (5 containers and 1 oversize folder) | | | Subjects: | Jelliffe, Russell W., 1891-1980 -- Photograph collections. | Jelliffe, Rowena Woodham, 1892-1992 -- Photograph collections. | Karamu House -- Photograph collections. | Gilpin Players -- Photograph collections. | Playhouse Settlement -- Photograph collections. | African Americans -- Ohio -- Cleveland -- Photographs. | African Americans in the performing arts -- Ohio -- Cleveland -- Photographs. | African American theater -- Ohio -- Cleveland -- Photographs. | African American dramatists -- Ohio -- Cleveland -- Photographs. | African American actors -- Ohio -- Cleveland -- Photographs. | African American actresses -- Ohio -- Cleveland -- Photographs. | African American dancers -- Ohio -- Cleveland -- Photographs. | Theater -- Ohio -- Cleveland -- Photographs. | Social settlements -- Ohio -- Cleveland -- Photographs. | Cleveland (Ohio) -- Race relations -- Photographs.
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Photograph Collection | Save | 2 | Title: | Russell and Rowena Jelliffe Photographs
| | | Creator: | Jelliffe, Russell and Rowena | | | Dates: | 1920-1990 | | | Abstract: | Russell W. (1891-1980) and Rowena Woodham Jelliffe (1892-1992) were social workers who in conjunction with the Second Presbyterian Church Men's Club of Cleveland, Ohio, founded the Neighborhood Association, popularly known as the Playhouse Settlement, in 1915. Founded primarily to aid African Americans who had migrated to Cleveland from the rural South, Playhouse Settlement offered the usual social services, but gained note for its dramatic and artistic programs. In 1927 the Jelliffes acquired property which was remodeled as a theater and named the Karamu Theater. In 1941, the Settlement was renamed Karamu House. The Jelliffes shared the directorship of Karamu House until their retirement in 1963, after which they served as trustees of the Karamu Foundation. Russell Jelliffe was also an active member of the Urban League, the Cleveland Community Relations Council on Race Relations, the executive committee of the local branch of the NAACP, and the Board of the Cleveland Council of Human Relations. He was involved with the Group Work Council of the Welfare Federation and was a trustee of Oberlin College and the Cleveland Civil Liberties Union. Rowena Jelliffe was involved in the NAACP, Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, the Urban League, the National Theatre Conference, the Board of Trustees of the Cleveland Guidance Center, and the Board of Directors of the American National Theatre and Academy. Both the Jelliffes received numerous honors and awards. The collection consists of individual portraits of Russell and Rowena Jelliffe; individual portraits of those associated with Karamu House, including teachers, instructors, and performers; group portraits that include the Jelliffes and others, including Zelma George, W. C. Handy, Langston Hughes, and Michael White; and views of play productions, instructional classes, and interior and exterior scenes at Karamu House. Also included in the collection are group portraits of the Gilpin Players and Karamu actors in performance. | | | Call #: | PG 484 | | | Extent: | 1.00 linear feet (3 containers) | | | Subjects: | Jelliffe, Russell W., 1891-1980 -- Photograph collections. | Jelliffe, Rowena Woodham, 1892-1992 -- Photograph collections. | Hughes, Langston, 1902-1967 -- Photograph collections. | George, Zelma, 1903- -- Photograph collections. | Handy, W. C. (William Christopher), 1873-1958 -- Photograph collections. | White, Michael R. -- Photograph collections. | Karamu House -- Photograph collections. | Gilpin Players -- Photograph collections. | African Americans -- Ohio -- Cleveland -- Photographs. | African Americans in the performing arts -- Ohio -- Cleveland -- Photographs. | African American theater -- Ohio -- Cleveland -- Photographs. | African American dramatists -- Ohio -- Cleveland -- Photographs. | Theater -- Ohio -- Cleveland -- Photographs. | Social settlements -- Ohio -- Cleveland -- Photographs. | Social workers -- Ohio -- Cleveland -- Photographs. | Women social workers -- Ohio -- Cleveland -- Photographs.
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Photograph Collection | Save | 3 | Title: | Katherine P. Williamson Photographs
| | | Creator: | Williamson, Katherine P. | | | Dates: | 1950-1960 | | | Abstract: | Katherine P. Williamson (1910-1964) was a Cleveland, Ohio, social worker who had a particular interest in improved housing for minority groups. She was a caseworker for the Cuyahoga County Child Welfare Dept., Family Life Coordinator for the Welfare Federation of Cleveland's Central Area Community Council, and Child Welfare Consultant, and later, Northeast Area Superior, for the Ohio Dept. of Public Welfare. The collection consists of photographs relating mainly to Katherine P. Williamson's work at Friendly Inn Social Settlement, Cleveland, Ohio. Includes photographs of various groups of African Americans at Friendly Inn Social Settlement, including senior citizens and arts and crafts groups. Also includes photographs relating to a Family Life and Health Month parade and fair held in Cleveland in 1957, sponsored by the Friendly Inn. Those pictured in the parade and fair photographs are: Anthony Celebrezze, Perry B. Jackson, William O. Walker, Russell Davis, Ethel Storey, Charles W. White, and George Theobald. | | | Call #: | PG 073 | | | Extent: | 0.10 linear feet (1 container) | | | Subjects: | Williamson, Katherine P., 1910-1964 -- Photograph collections. | White, Charles William, 1897-1970 -- Photograph collections. | Jackson, Perry B. (Perry Brooks), 1896- -- Photograph collections. | Walker, William O., 1896-1981 -- Photograph collections. | Davis, Russell Howard, 1897-1976 -- Photograph collections. | Storey, Ethel -- Photograph collections. | Theobald, George -- Photograph collections. | Celebrezze, Anthony J. (Anthony Joseph), 1910-1998 -- Photograph collections. | Friendly Inn Social Settlement (Cleveland, Ohio) -- Photograph collections. | Social settlements -- Ohio -- Cleveland -- Photographs. | Social service -- Ohio -- Cleveland -- Photographs. | Social work with African Americans -- Ohio -- Cleveland -- Photographs. | African American social workers -- Ohio -- Cleveland -- Photographs. | Social workers -- Ohio -- Cleveland -- Photographs. | African Americans -- Ohio -- Cleveland -- Photographs.
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Photograph Collection | Save | 4 | Title: | Friendly Inn Social Settlement Photographs
| | | Creator: | Friendly Inn Social Settlement | | | Dates: | 1921-1966 | | | Abstract: | The Friendly Inn Social Settlement is a Cleveland, Ohio, social settlement founded in 1874 by members of the Women's Christian Temperance Union. It offered a full range of services and social activities, including an outreach program for delinquent boys. Located in various city neighborhoods, including Broadway and Central, Woodland, and Carver Park Estates, its service area became the center of Cleveland's African American community. The collection consists of photographs of activities, games, and sports at the Friendly Inn Social Settlement, and also of the neighborhood it served. Included are many views of African American and Italian organizations at the Settlement and views of housing conditions of the surrounding area. | | | Call #: | PG 126 | | | Extent: | 0.40 linear feet (1 container) | | | Subjects: | Friendly Inn Social Settlement (Cleveland, Ohio) -- Photograph collections. | Social settlements -- Ohio -- Cleveland -- Photographs. | Community centers -- Ohio -- Cleveland -- Photographs. | Boys -- Ohio -- Cleveland -- Societies and clubs -- Photographs. | African Americans -- Ohio -- Cleveland -- Photographs. | Italian Americans -- Ohio -- Cleveland -- Photographs. | Cleveland (Ohio) -- Social conditions -- Photographs.
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Photograph Collection | Save | 5 | Title: | Hiram House Social Settlement Photographs
| | | Creator: | Hiram House Social Settlement | | | Dates: | 1896-1970 | | | Abstract: | Hiram House Social Settlement is a pioneer Cleveland, Ohio, social settlement founded in 1896 by a group of Hiram College students led by George Bellamy, who later became Commissioner of Recreation for the city of Cleveland. During the height of its growth the settlement offered a full range of social, educational and recreational activities, but since 1948 it has concentrated its resources on Hiram House Camp in the suburb of Chagrin Falls. Before 1948 its primary service area was centered in a neighborhood populated primarily by Jews, Italians and African Americans. The collection consists of approximately 4,000 black and white photographs and prints taken mainly by George A. Bellamy and his assistants. The collection includes scenes of the settlement house in Cleveland, Ohio, neighborhoods, activities both at the settlement house and at Hiram House Camp, and portraits of many of the staff members, supporters, and participants. The collection contains both mounted and unmounted photographs, as well as layout boards and paper negatives used in the preparation of various publications for Hiram House Camp. | | | Call #: | PG 048 | | | Extent: | 2.80 linear feet (8 containers) | | | Subjects: | Bellamy, George Albert, 1872-1960 -- Photograph collections. | Hiram House Social Settlement (Cleveland, Ohio) -- Photograph collections. | Hiram House Camp (Chagrin Falls, Ohio) -- Photograph collections. | Community centers -- Ohio -- Cleveland -- Photographs. | Social settlements -- Ohio -- Cleveland -- Photographs. | Recreation centers -- Ohio -- Cleveland -- Photographs. | School facilities -- Extended use -- Ohio -- Cleveland -- Photographs. | Camps -- Ohio -- Chagrin Falls -- Photographs. | City and town life -- Ohio -- Cleveland -- Photographs. | Urban poor -- Ohio -- Cleveland -- Photographs. | Immigrants -- Housing -- Ohio -- Cleveland -- Photographs. | Immigrants -- Ohio -- Cleveland -- Photographs. | Immigrant children -- Ohio -- Cleveland -- Photographs. | African Americans -- Ohio -- Cleveland -- Photographs. | Italian Americans -- Ohio -- Cleveland -- Photographs. | Jews -- Ohio -- Cleveland -- Photographs. | Cleveland (Ohio) -- Social conditions -- Photographs.
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