720 XTF Search Results (docsPerPage=100;f99-subject=Monuments -- Ohio -- Cleveland.);f99-subject%3DMonuments%20--%20Ohio%20--%20Cleveland. Results for your query: docsPerPage=100;f99-subject=Monuments -- Ohio -- Cleveland. Tue, 28 Jul 2020 12:00:00 GMT Oliver H. Perry Monument Committee Records. Oliver H. Perry Monument Committee The Oliver H. Perry Monument Committee formed in September 1857, in Cleveland, Ohio, to sponsor the erection of a monument to Commodore Perry. The statue was located on Public Square and was dedicated on September 10, 1860. The collection consists of letters, resolutions, agreements and other documents relating to the Committee and its activities. Wed, 01 Jan 2014 12:00:00 GMT Schiller-Goethe Monument Association of Cleveland, Ohio, Records. Schiller-Goethe Monument Association of Cleveland, Ohio The collection consists of correspondence, newspaper clippings, programs, pamphlets, and other records related to the Schiller-Goethe Monument Association of Cleveland, Ohio. Persons represented include J.H. Gerlich, secretary, and Ernst J. Siller, president. Wed, 01 Jan 2014 12:00:00 GMT Harvey Rice Papers. Rice, Harvey Harvey Rice (1800-1891) was a lawyer, legislator, businessman, and author, of Cleveland, Ohio. The collection consists of correspondence, business papers, land deeds and titles, certificates, and speeches. Primarily letters relating to the Oliver H. Perry Monument, 1860-1883. Also includes letters, financial records, and newspaper clippings relating to the construction of the Moses Cleaveland Monument on Cleveland's Public Square, 1886-1888. Wed, 01 Jan 2014 12:00:00 GMT M. A. Hanna Monument Association Records. M. A. Hanna Monument Association The M. A. Hanna Monument Association formed shortly after the death of Marcus Alonzo Hanna with the intention of erecting a monument to him in Cleveland, Ohio. A subscription fund was established to pay for a statue created by American sculptor Augustus Saint-Gaudens. New York architect Henry Bacon aided in the design of the pedestal and base and superintended the final erection. Hanna was a leading businessman in Cleveland and a national leader of the Republican party who managed Wm. McKinley's successful presidential campaigns in 1896 and 1900. In 1897, Hanna replaced U.S. Senator John Sherman when he became secretary of state, and Hanna served as Senator from Ohio until his death in 1904. The collection consists of correspondence between sculptor Augustus Saint-Gaudens, architect Henry Bacon, Mrs. M.A. Hanna, and various members of the association, particularly chairman Samuel Mather. This collection pertains primarily to the efforts of the Hanna Monument Association to plan, select a site, and erect a ... Wed, 01 Jan 2014 12:00:00 GMT Margurite Mihok Papers. Mihok, Margurite Margurite Mihok (1920-1974) was a prominent leader in Slovak cultural affairs in Cleveland, Ohio. After attending Cleveland College of Western Reserve University and Fenn College, she worked in the fields of personnel, office management, public relations, and transportation for a variety of Cleveland area firms, particularly the Lewis Research Center for the National Aeronautics and Space Agency. Her activities included the Stefanik Dramatics Club, Lutheran Society, Slovak Gymnastic Union Sokol, Slovak Evangelical Union, Dr. Martin Luther Church, Cleveland Folk Arts Association, and Czech and Slovak Cotillion Ball, Inc. The collection consists of biographical materials, clippings, correspondence, and memorabilia. Also included are her following writings: Cleveland Slovak landmarks and accomplishments, Cleveland Slovak personages and personalities--their influences and accomplishments, and The climate of the Cleveland Slovak community. Wed, 01 Jan 2014 12:00:00 GMT American Institute of Architects, Cleveland Chapter Records. American Institute of Architects, Cleveland Chapter The American Institute of Architects, Cleveland, Ohio, Chapter was founded in the early 1880s as the Cleveland Architectural Club in Cleveland, Ohio. In 1890 it affiliated with AIA, a national professional organization for architects. The collection consists of constitutions, minutes, membership information, reports, notices of events, resolutions, memorials to members, essays, addresses, survey questionnaires, newsletters, correspondence, notices from national headquarters, and information from other organizations. Wed, 01 Jan 2014 12:00:00 GMT