720 XTF Search Results (docsPerPage=100;f96-subject=United States -- Politics and government -- 20th century.);f96-subject%3DUnited%20States%20--%20Politics%20and%20government%20--%2020th%20century. Results for your query: docsPerPage=100;f96-subject=United States -- Politics and government -- 20th century. Tue, 28 Jul 2020 12:00:00 GMT George Harrison Bender Papers. Bender, George Harrison George Harrison Bender (1896-1961) was a United States Senator from Ohio (1954-1957). He also served as Ohio state senator (1921-1931), chairman of the Cuyahoga County Republican Central Committee (1938-1954), and U.S Representative (1939-1949, 1951-1954). The collection consists of correspondence, speeches, biographical accounts, newsletters, campaign and election literature, certificates, testimonials, souvenir programs, newspaper clippings, and articles by or about Bender. Includes material on prohibition, police pensions, and civil service laws, among other topics. The correspondence, primarily from constituents, also includes letters from both local and national political figures. Wed, 01 Jan 2014 12:00:00 GMT Ralph Hayes Papers. Hayes, Ralph Ralph Hayes (1894-1977) was a businessman and philanthropist who served as secretary of the City Club of Cleveland, Ohio, assistant to Secretary of War Newton D. Baker, Executive Director of the New York Community Trust, and Vice President of Transamerica Corporation and Coca-Cola Company. He established the Common Wealth Trust in his will. The collection consists of address books, correspondence, diaries, financial and legal records, newspaper clippings, publications, scrapbooks, speeches, and university degrees and awards. Wed, 01 Jan 2014 12:00:00 GMT Paul W. Walter Papers. Walter, Paul W. Paul W. Walter (1907-1992) was a Cleveland, Ohio, lawyer who served as campaign manager for Harold Burton's mayoral and senatorial campaigns and Robert A. Taft's senatorial and presidential campaigns. He was also active in Cleveland civic and social welfare organizations. The collection consists of correspondence, news releases, speeches, financial records, lists, schedules, campaign literature, newspaper clippings, photographs and other miscellaneous records relating to the political activities of Paul Walter, Harold Burton and Robert Taft. Wed, 01 Jan 2014 12:00:00 GMT Thomas Saxton Ireland Papers. Ireland, Thomas Saxton Thomas Saxton Ireland (1895-1969) was a Cleveland, Ohio, politician, lawyer and writer who ran as a conservative Republican candidate for the office of mayor of Cleveland, 1959, as well as numerous other political offices. He was a correspondent for the Plain dealer and several other newspapers and authored a number of books, including several on the Saint Lawrence Seaway and one on the Sam Sheppard murder case. The collection consists of materials relating to Ireland's many political campaigns, manuscripts of published and unpublished books, correspondence, drafts of newspaper articles, scrapbooks, genealogical materials relating to his family, various certificates and personal miscellany. The collection is useful for understanding Ireland's ardent advocacy of the Saint Lawrence Seaway, his mayoral campaign and other political activities, and his attitudes as a conservative Republican in the 1950s and 1960s. Also included are some materials which reflect the rampant anti-communist sentiment of the period. Wed, 01 Jan 2014 12:00:00 GMT