720 XTF Search Results (docsPerPage=100;f93-subject=Arts -- Ohio -- Cleveland.);f93-subject%3DArts%20--%20Ohio%20--%20Cleveland. Results for your query: docsPerPage=100;f93-subject=Arts -- Ohio -- Cleveland. Tue, 28 Jul 2020 12:00:00 GMT Katherine and Lee Chilcote Foundation Records. Katherine and Lee Chilcote Foundation The Katherine and Lee Chilcote Foundation was established in 1986 by Katherine H. Chilcote (1911-1987), and the four Chilcote children: Ronald Chilcote (b.1935), Lee Chilcote (b.1942), Katherine [Chilcote] Pender (b.1937), and Patricia [Chilcote] Elledge (b.1952) as a funding source for areas of interest to each, including arts and culture, sustainable development, economic and social redevelopment, and for children with special needs and their families. The collection consists of grant files, administrative files, and correspondence. Sun, 01 Jan 2017 12:00:00 GMT George Gund Foundation Records. George Gund Foundation The George Gund Foundation is a charitable foundation established by Cleveland, Ohio, businessman and philanthropist George Gund (1888-1966). It supports education and various projects of community organizations. Of particular interest to the foundation are new teaching methods and education for disadvantaged people. One of its special interests was the Ohio American Revolution Bicentennial Advisory Commission. The collection consists of annual reports of the Foundation, and grant proposals (including histories and reports) of grant-seeking organizations. Sat, 01 Jan 2022 12:00:00 GMT George Gund Foundation Records, Series IV. George Gund Foundation The George Gund Foundation is a charitable foundation established by Cleveland, Ohio, businessman and philanthropist George Gund. It supports education and various projects of community organizations located primarily in northeastern Ohio, but also in Ohio and the United States. Of particular interest to the Foundation are new teaching methods and education for disadvantaged people. The arts, civic affairs, economic development, the environment, and human services are also priorities of the Foundation. Abortion rights, women's issues, handgun control, homelessness, equal housing, museum development, retinitis pigmentosa research, AIDS public policy and education, community gardening, historic preservation, population control, family planning, and nuclear weapons control are also areas supported by the Foundation. The collection consists primarily of grant files. These grant files include audited financial statements, brochures, correspondence, proposals, newspaper clippings, reports, publications, and o... Sat, 01 Jan 2022 12:00:00 GMT George Gund Foundation Records, Series III. George Gund Foundation The George Gund Foundation is a charitable foundation established by Cleveland, Ohio, businessman and philanthropist George Gund. It supports education and various projects of community organizations located primarily in northeastern Ohio, but also in Ohio and the United States. Of particular interest to the Foundation are new teaching methods and education for disadvantaged people. The arts, civic affairs, economic development, the environment, and human services are also priorities of the Foundation. Abortion rights, women's issues, handgun control, homelessness, equal housing, museum development, retinitis pigmentosa research, AIDS public policy and education, community gardening, historic preservation, population control, family planning, and nuclear weapons control are also areas supported by the Foundation. The collection consists of grant files, including agendas, annual reports, architectural drawings, budgets, compact discs, correspondence, financial statements, grant proposals, lists, magazine arti... Sat, 01 Jan 2022 12:00:00 GMT Cleveland Foundation Records, Series III. Cleveland Foundation The Cleveland Foundation was the first community trust established in the United States. It was organized in Cleveland, Ohio, in 1914 by Frederick J. Goff and the Board of Directors of the Cleveland Trust Company. It has provided funds for educational and artistic development and for humanitarian purposes such as housing and aid to children and the handicapped. The collection consists of grant files, both accepted and declined, which include agreements, award letters, brochures, budgets, correspondence, evaluations, financial statements, forms, memoranda, newsletters, notes, press releases, programs, proposals, and reports. All photographs and audio/visual media have been retained in their respective grant files. The Cleveland Foundation Assistance to Other Foundations series contains much the same document types as the grant files. Other document types contained in the collection include annual reports, articles, budgets, correspondence, declaration of trusts, forms, indexes, lists, memoranda, min... Wed, 01 Jan 2014 12:00:00 GMT William Bingham Foundation Records. William Bingham Foundation The William Bingham Foundation was established in 1955 in Cleveland, Ohio, by Elizabeth Bingham Blossom with the proceeds of an inheritance from her brother, William Bingham 2nd. Grants were originally given to institutions of learning, hospitals, and public charities in Ohio. The foundation also contributed to the establishment and development of Blossom Music Center. After the death of Elizabeth Bingham Blossom in 1970, other family members maintained control of the foundation, and the focus of grantmaking changed to include organizations in the fields of the environment, the arts, education, health, and welfare. Projects related to urban revitalization, adult psychological development, and nuclear issues were also undertaken. Environmental issues took center stage in grants funding by the William Bingham Foundation in the 1980s, with several significant grants being made to the Environmental Defense Fund. The collection consists of correspondence, grant proposals, reports, financial, legal, and administra... Tue, 01 Jan 2019 12:00:00 GMT William Bingham Foundation Records, Series II. William Bingham Foundation The William Bingham Foundation was established in 1955 in Cleveland, Ohio, by Elizabeth Bingham Blossom with the proceeds of an inheritance from her brother, William Bingham 2nd. Grants were originally given to institutions of learning, hospitals, and public charities in Ohio. The foundation also contributed to the establishment and development of Blossom Music Center. After the death of Elizabeth Bingham Blossom in 1970, other family members maintained control of the foundation, and the focus of grantmaking changed to include organizations in the fields of the environment, the arts, education, health, and welfare. Projects related to urban revitalization, adult psychological development, and nuclear issues were also undertaken. Environmental issues took center stage in grants funding by the William Bingham Foundation in the 1980s, with several significant grants being made to the Environmental Defense Fund. The collection consists of agendas, agreements, annual reports, articles of incorporation, blank let... Tue, 01 Jan 2019 12:00:00 GMT Judy Chicago Dinner Party Site Project Records. Judy Chicago Dinner Site Project "The Dinner Party" Site Project (DPSP) first formed as the Ohio-Chicago Arts Project, Inc., (O-CAP) as an endeavor to display Judy Chicago's (b. 1939) controversial magnum opus, The Dinner Party, 1979, in northeast Ohio. Judy Chicago initially conceived "The Dinner Party" to be a piece of art to commemorate and inform people about women's roles in history in 1974. It evolved into a multi-media installation which generated controversy because of its use of vulvar forms in its representation of historical female figures. The work served to solidify Chicago as a pioneer in the Feminist Art movement. "The Dinner Party" seats both mythological and historical women at a dinner table in the shape of an equilateral triangle with each side containing thirteen place settings. The place settings pay tribute to such figures as, Hatshepsut, Sojourner Truth, Susan B. Anthony, Elizabeth Blackwell, Virginia Wolfe, and Georgia O'Keeffe. Chicago sought not only to represent women, but chose art forms that have been traditional... Wed, 01 Jan 2014 12:00:00 GMT George Gund Foundation Records, Series II. George Gund Foundation The George Gund Foundation is a charitable foundation established by Cleveland, Ohio, businessman and philanthropist George Gund. It supports education and various projects of community organizations located primarily in northeastern Ohio, but also in Ohio and the United States. Of particular interest to the Foundation are new teaching methods and education for disadvantaged people. The arts, civic affairs, economic development, the environment, and human services are also priorities of the Foundation. Abortion rights, women's issues, handgun control, homelessness, equal housing, museum development, retinitis pigmentosa research, AIDS public policy and education, community gardening, historic preservation, population control, family planning, and nuclear weapons control are also areas supported by the Foundation. The collection consists of grant files, which include architectural drawings, budgets, correspondence, financial statements, grant proposals, lists, newspaper clippings, one audio cassette tape, ph... Sat, 01 Jan 2022 12:00:00 GMT Odette V. and Paul Wurzburger Family Papers. Wurzburger, Odette V. and Paul Family Odette Valabregue Wurzburger was a French resistance fighter during World War II, a lawyer and teacher, and an active community leader, especially in the arts. She was born in Avignon, France, in 1909, and she died in Cleveland in 2006. Her husband, Paul Wurzburger was an entrepreneur, inventor, patron of the arts, and honorary consul of France. He was born in 1904 in Lyon, France, and died in 1974 in Cleveland. He entered the United States in 1941 and became a citizen in 1946. He became honorary consul of France in Cleveland in 1962. Paul's father, Hugo Wurzburger, was born in 1887 in Heilbronn, Germany, and died in Cleveland in 1952. Paul's mother, Marguerite Bacharach Wurzburger, was born in Lyon, France, in 1882 and died in Cleveland in 1967. The couple escaped Nazi-occupied France in 1941 and went first to Cuba, arriving in the United States in August 1942. Hugo Wurzburger was a successful industrialist and inventor. He invented several synthetic fabrics and also manufactured pipe fittings, the patents f... Wed, 01 Jan 2014 12:00:00 GMT