720 XTF Search Results (docsPerPage=100;f85-subject=Polish Americans -- Ohio -- Cleveland.);f85-subject%3DPolish%20Americans%20--%20Ohio%20--%20Cleveland. Results for your query: docsPerPage=100;f85-subject=Polish Americans -- Ohio -- Cleveland. Tue, 28 Jul 2020 12:00:00 GMT Poles in Cleveland Manuscript. Writers' Program, Ohio The Poles in Cleveland Manuscript was compiled by workers of the Writers' Program of the Work Projects Administration in the State of Ohio and sponsored by the City of Cleveland, Ohio. It includes chapters on the history of Poland and of the Poles in America. Accompanying miscellaneous material (1941-1942) includes copies of photographs of sample illustrations, correspondence and memoranda about the book and about two projected, ancillary publications, and a critique of the history by the editor of the Ohio Writers' Project. Wed, 01 Jan 2014 12:00:00 GMT John Kazimierz Gallka Journals. Gallka, John Kazimierz John Kazimierz Gallka (1894-1968) was a Polish immigrant to Cleveland, Ohio, who joined the Police Department and wrote articles for the Polish language daily newspaper, Wiadomosci Codzienne. He also fought with the Polish Volunteer Army in World War I. The collection consists of journals which contain copies of Gallka's newspaper articles and a long autobiographical sketch with information about Polish American life in Cleveland. Wed, 01 Jan 2014 12:00:00 GMT Twarogowski and Zielinski Family Papers. Twarogowski and Zielinski Family The Twarogowski and Zielinski families resided in Gorzno, West Prussia, Germany (now Poland). In 1913 the Zielinski family immigrated to the United States and settled in Cleveland, Ohio. The collection consists of legal documents, tax records, death certificates, real estate records, a marriage certificate, military service papers, and old age insurance receipts, from the Twarogowskis' and Zielinskis' period of residence in Germany, and a World War I pass permit for aliens, alien registration cards, a death certificate, legal documents, account books, photographs, and Cleveland-related material, from the period following their immigration to the United States. Wed, 01 Jan 2014 12:00:00 GMT St. Stanislaus Church Records. St. Stanislaus Church St. Stanislaus Church was the first Polish Roman Catholic parish in Cleveland, Ohio. It was established in 1873 and was the largest parish in the diocese during the early 1900s. The collection consists of correspondence, parish council minutes, parish publications, bills, receipts, and specifications. Wed, 01 Jan 2014 12:00:00 GMT Warsaw Savings and Loan Association of Cleveland Records. Warsaw Savings and Loan Association of Cleveland The Warsaw Savings and Loan Association was incorporated in 1916 in Cleveland, Ohio, as a closed, mutual stock enterprise. In the 1920s the Association began accepting public deposits, mainly serving Cleveland's Polish community. Expansion during the 1920s was followed by a decline and freeze during the Depression. Reorganization in 1936 helped the Association begin a new period of growth. In 1952 it changed its name to United Savings Association. As of 1979 it had ten branches in Cleveland's southern suburbs. The collection consists of the Board of Directors and Executive Committee minutes, correspondence, reports to regulatory agencies, audit and examination reports, mortgage and real estate lists, daily ledgers, and sample forms and certificates. Wed, 01 Jan 2014 12:00:00 GMT Stefan Lodzieski Family Papers. Lodzieski, Stefan Family Stefan Lodzieski (ca. 1882-1951) was the founder and vice-president of the Lakewood Bakery Company of Lakewood, Ohio, and nationally prominent in twentieth century Polish-American political and cultural circles. His wife, Victoria, served as president of the Polish Welfare Association. The collection consists of correspondence, clippings, and memorabilia relating to the activities of Stefan Lodzieski and his wife, Victoria, their daughter, Elizabeth, and her husband, Capt. Stefan Sliwinski, who was captured by the Germans in World War II. Wed, 01 Jan 2014 12:00:00 GMT Chester Jablonoski Papers. Jablonoski, Chester Chester Jablonoski was a Cleveland, Ohio, area physician who helped to found Marymount Hospital in Garfield Heights, Ohio, a suburb of Cleveland. The collection consists of Jablonoski's medical writings, correspondence, lists of staff members at hospitals, publications, notices of events, membership cards, and newspaper clippings. The collection pertains primarily to Jablonoski's medical career at Marymount Hospital. The collection may also be useful to those interested in Polish Americans in the Cleveland. Wed, 01 Jan 2014 12:00:00 GMT Kniola Travel Bureau Records. Kniola Travel Bureau The Kniola Travel Bureau was organized in 1890 by Michael P. Kniola, a Polish immigrant to Cleveland, Ohio. The business arranged steamship passage for Polish immigrants, and often helped them find jobs. As immigration slowed it changed its emphasis to insurance and real estate sales. It was sold by Kniola's son in the 1960s. The collection consists of correspondence, ledger books, receipts, money order stub books, steamship ticket stub books, and other fiscal and legal records. Thu, 01 Jan 2015 12:00:00 GMT Kniola Travel Bureau Records, Series II. Kniola Travel Bureau The Kniola Travel Bureau was established in 1890 by Michael P. Kniola, a Polish immigrant to Cleveland, Ohio. He turned the business over to his son, Raymond, during the 1920s. Michael Kniola was also active in church and community affairs and organizations such as the Polish Falcons Alliance of America, Nest 141, and local Republican party politics. He also served as agent and executor for Cleveland Poles and their relatives in Poland. The collection consists of correspondence, steamship ticket stubs, daily slips, receipts, legal documents, real estate records, estate records relating to Kniola's travel bureau, legal and civic activities, personal activities, and his involvement with Polish organizations, and material on Raymond Kniola's political and real estate activities. Wed, 01 Jan 2014 12:00:00 GMT Solomea Nowak Schmidt Papers. Schmidt, Salomea Nowak Salomea Nowak Schmidt (1898-1980) was the daughter of Polish immigrants to Cleveland, Ohio, who was active in many community, church and women's organizations, many of which served the needs and interests of mentally handicapped children. She married Leo W. Schmidt, who founded his own general contracting company and the United Savings and Loan Association. The collection consists of personal correspondence, personal materials, draft of Mrs. Schmidt's autobiography Under Oath, a scrapbook from Mr. Schmidt's savings and loan business, and correspondence, minutes, financial records and reports from Mrs. Schmidt's organizations. Wed, 01 Jan 2014 12:00:00 GMT Leon A. Kujawski Papers. Kujawski, Leon A. Leon A. Kujawski (b. 1883) was a Cleveland, Ohio, lawyer, politician, and judge of Polish birth. Kujawski began practicing law in 1913, specializing in labor law, became a municipal court judge in 1933, then served two terms as a city councilman representing the Tremont area of Cleveland. He served on the state liquor control board, 1938-1939. The collection consists of a biography, correspondence, an affidavit, miscellaneous campaign material, newspaper clippings, and scrapbooks. The collection contains information about Kujawski's terms as city councilman, especially his fight to lower bus fares, and his activities on the Liquor Control Board. Wed, 01 Jan 2014 12:00:00 GMT University Settlement Records. University Settlement The University Settlement was a social settlement founded in a predominantly Polish neighborhood in Cleveland, Ohio. It was originally named the University Neighborhood Centers and was operated by the School of Applied Social Sciences of Western Reserve University as a training program for graduate students while providing a full range of community services and activities. In 1936 it changed its affiliation to the Welfare Federation of Cleveland and its name to the University Settlement. The collection consists of minutes, financial records, membership cards, statistical reports, correspondence, 65 theses from the Western Reserve University School of Applied Social Sciences, and a subject file containing reports, correspondence, minutes, lists, and pamphlets. Wed, 01 Jan 2014 12:00:00 GMT Anita Blimbaum Family Papers. Blimabaum, Anita Family Anita Solomon Blimbaum (1958-) is a resident of Cuyahoga County, Ohio. Her family lineage speaks to the high proportion of immigration from Eastern Europe to the Cleveland area as her ancestors were from Belarus, Russia, and Poland. Though Anita's maternal side of the family was spread across the globe, they managed to keep in touch with one another regularly through letters and photographs, many of which were written by her mother, Josephine Solomon; grandmother, Julia Costello; aunt, Stacha (Sadie) Kasperek; and other relatives of the Costello and Kasperek families. The collection consists of correspondence written to and from the Costello and Solomon families, particularly Josephine and her mother, Julia, as they corresponded with their relatives abroad. The collection includes letters between Henryk Kaminski and Joseph Lewanski and Ignacy Kaminski (father of Julia Costello); Josephine and Samuel Solomon and the Lesser family (relatives from England); Julia Costello and niece Hella Kasperek; Julia ... Fri, 01 Jan 2016 12:00:00 GMT Ignatius M. Jarzynski Papers. Jarzynski, Ignatius M. Ignatius M. Jarzynski (1888-1942) was a physician prominent in the Polish-American community of Cleveland, Ohio. He was a founding member of the Medical and Dental Arts Club, president of the League of Polish Organizations, and a trustee of the Musical Arts Association. His wife, Helen Conrad Jarzynski, was also active in Polish organizations, as well as serving on the Women's Committee of the Cleveland Orchestra. The collection consists of correspondence, newspaper clippings, publications, and certificates relating to Dr. Jarzynski's career, and, in part, to that of his wife. The correspondence, 1917-1942, includes letters from Ohio Attorney General John W. Bricker regarding draft board examinations during World War I, and an acknowledgment of condolences from Ignace Jan Paderewski. In addition, the collection contains the minutes, 1916-1922, of the Medical and Dental Arts Club, handwritten in Polish, mimeographed minutes, 1934-1939, of the annual meetings of the Musical Arts Association, and miscellaneou... Wed, 01 Jan 2014 12:00:00 GMT