720 XTF Search Results (docsPerPage=100;f83-subject=Hopkins, William Rowland, 1869-1961.);f83-subject%3DHopkins,%20William%20Rowland,%201869-1961. Results for your query: docsPerPage=100;f83-subject=Hopkins, William Rowland, 1869-1961. Tue, 28 Jul 2020 12:00:00 GMT William Rowland Hopkins Papers. Hopkins, William Rowland William Rowland Hopkins (1869-1961) was the first City Manager of Cleveland, Ohio (1916-1929). A major accomplishment of his administration was the development of the Cleveland Municipal Airport, which was opened in 1925 and renamed after him in 1951. The collection consists of City Manager's files containing correspondence, personal notes, maps, drawings, blueprints, printed materials with notations, and newspaper clippings. A major topic of the collection is the development of the Cleveland Municipal Airport. Wed, 01 Jan 2014 12:00:00 GMT May Hope Francis Papers. Francis, May Hope May Hope Francis was a prominent clubwoman in Cleveland, Ohio, during the 1920s and 1930s. Much of her community work was done through her membership in the Cleveland Federation of Women's Clubs as member and chairman of its American Citizenship Committee. Mrs. Francis also worked with the City of Cleveland during the tenure of City Manager William R. Hopkins to promote ethnic cultural events and to publicize civic events, including the 1927 reception for Charles A. Lindbergh. In 1929, she helped establish the All Nations Hopkins Testimonial Committee. She was also active in the Women's Organization of the National Retail Druggists Association and the Early Settlers Association of Cuyahoga County. The collection consists of scrapbooks, correspondence, a ledger, and newspaper clippings. Most of the collection relates to Francis' work with the Cleveland Federation of Women's Clubs and with the City of Cleveland, particularly the reception for Charles A. Lindbergh in 1927, and ethnic programs sponsored by the C... Wed, 01 Jan 2014 12:00:00 GMT William J. Murphy Family Scrapbook. Murphy, William J. Family William Joseph Murphy (1876-1942) served as postmaster of Cleveland, Ohio, from 1914-1922 where he initiated the area's first airmail service. He served as secretary to Cleveland mayor Newton D. Baker from 1912-1914 Cleveland city manager William R. Hopkins from 1924-1930. From 1930-1942, Murphy was a vice president for Central United National Bank. He served as president of Catholic Charities Corporation of Cleveland from 1938-1939. The collection consists of a scrapbook maintained by Murphy's daughter Florence Murphy Lackamp that includes funeral cards, greeting cards, invitations, letters, newspaper clippings, ordination cards, photographs, prayer cards, and programs. Wed, 01 Jan 2014 12:00:00 GMT Ruth Hopkins Family Papers. Hopkins, Ruth Family Reverend Jeffrey John Hopkins of Norwood Presbyterian Church (Cleveland, Ohio), was one of eight brothers who came to Newburgh, Ohio, in the 1870s. Evan H. Hopkins became dean of the Western Reserve University School of Law. William R. Hopkins was Cleveland city councilman and city manager. Ben F. Hopkins was head of Cleveland Graphite Bronze Company. Arthur Hopkins was a playwright. Dr. George Hopkins organized the Hopkins Clinic of Cleveland. Martin L. Hopkins was associated with Republic Steel Corporation. The collection consists of correspondence to Ruth Hopkins, family histories, clippings and scrapbooks relating to the activities of various family members, possibly compiled by Ruth Hopkins, the daughter of Jeffrey John Hopkins. Wed, 01 Jan 2014 12:00:00 GMT