720 XTF Search Results (docsPerPage=100;f81-subject=McCord, John W., 1883-1967.);f81-subject%3DMcCord,%20John%20W.,%201883-1967. Results for your query: docsPerPage=100;f81-subject=McCord, John W., 1883-1967. Tue, 28 Jul 2020 12:00:00 GMT Grace Doering and John W. "Jack" McCord Papers. Doering, Grace and McCord, John W. Grace Doering McCord (1890-1983)was a Cleveland, Ohio-born teacher, journalist, lawyer, and law professor who became Assistant Director of Law for the City of Cleveland. She was active in many legal, business, and women's organizations. In 1957 she married John W. McCord (1883-1967), an Iowa native who moved to Alaska and spent his life prospecting for gold, speculating in oil, exploring for the Army Air Force, running a ranch and lobbying for Alaskan interests in Washington, D.C. The collection consists of personal correspondence, biographical materials, class notes, newspaper clippings, papers from Mrs. McCord's tenure as Assistant Director of Law for the city of Cleveland, minutes, correspondence and reports from many of Mrs. McCord's professional organizations, and a copy of McCord of Alaska by Jack Long. Wed, 01 Jan 2014 12:00:00 GMT Grace Doering and John W. "Jack" McCord Papers, Series II. McCord, Grace Doering and John W. Grace Doering McCord (1890-1983) was a Cleveland, Ohio, attorney who served as Assistant City Law Director, 1935-1942. Her husband, John W. (Jack) McCord (1883-1967) was involved in the exploration and development of the Alaskan frontier and was instrumental in the move for Alaskan statehood. The collection consists of correspondence, biographical materials, speeches, writings, legal materials, and reminiscences. The collection mainly relates to Grace McCord's early law career and tenure as Cleveland's Assistant Law Director, as well as Jack McCord's involvement in the development of the Alaskan frontier. Wed, 01 Jan 2014 12:00:00 GMT