720 XTF Search Results (docsPerPage=100;f70-subject=Czech American newspapers -- Ohio -- Cleveland.);f70-subject%3DCzech%20American%20newspapers%20--%20Ohio%20--%20Cleveland. Results for your query: docsPerPage=100;f70-subject=Czech American newspapers -- Ohio -- Cleveland. Tue, 28 Jul 2020 12:00:00 GMT Vaclav Snajdr Papers. Snajdr, Vaclav Vaclav Snajdr (1847-1920) was a Czech writer and journalist who moved to Racine, Wisconsin, in 1869 to edit the newspaper Slavie. He later moved to Cleveland, Ohio, where he began his own paper, Pokrok, in 1873. When it failed in 1876 Snajdr remained in Cleveland and started a weekly, rationalist newspaper, Dennice Novoveku, in 1877. Later he also published a Sunday paper, Jednota. From 1883 to 1886 Snajdr published Osvobozenych, and from 1891 to 1896 he published Organ Bratsoi of the Cesko-Slovanska Podporyici Spolecnost. Snajdr sold his newspaper and publishing business to Svet Publishing Company in 1910 but remained active in local politics and business. He retired in 1919 and moved to California. The collection consists of correspondence, notes taken for Snajdr's newspaper Dennice Novoveku, legal papers, checks, receipts, tax forms, biographical material on the Snajdr family, a memorial booklet, notes on the Snajdr estate, and miscellaneous materials, including obituaries, a xeroxed copy of Pokrok, art... Wed, 01 Jan 2014 12:00:00 GMT Czech-American Labor News, Incorporated Minutes and Financial Records. Czech-American Labor News, Incorporated The Bohemian Socialist Printing and Publishing Company was incorporated in Cleveland, Ohio, in 1911 and operated under that name until 1941 when it was reincorporated as the Czech-American Labor News, Inc. The collection consists of articles of incorporation of the Bohemian Socialist Printing and Publishing Company, and minutes of the boards of directors and financial and operational ledgers of both companies. Wed, 01 Jan 2014 12:00:00 GMT