720 XTF Search Results (docsPerPage=100;f65-subject=Court records -- Ohio -- Cleveland.);f65-subject%3DCourt%20records%20--%20Ohio%20--%20Cleveland. Results for your query: docsPerPage=100;f65-subject=Court records -- Ohio -- Cleveland. Tue, 28 Jul 2020 12:00:00 GMT Rudolphus Edwards Papers. Edwards, Rudolphus Rudolphus Edwards (1759-1840) was a merchant from Herkimer County, New York. He settled in Cleveland, Ohio, in 1798 and was elected as Township Chairman in 1802. The collection consists of deeds to tracts of land (mostly in Cleveland, Ohio), 1794-1814; Edwards' docket book while serving as a justice of the peace, 1815-1818; and a biographical sketch (1869) of Edwards. Thu, 01 Jan 2015 12:00:00 GMT Van Sweringen Miscellany. Wickham, Ben B. Ben B. Wickham was the Law Director of Cleveland, Ohio (1916-1917) who was associated with the Van Sweringen brothers and their acquisition of land used for the construction of the Terminal Tower and the development of the Shaker Heights area. The collection consists of documents pertaining to the activities of Mantis J. and Oris P. Van Sweringen of Cleveland, Ohio, including exhibits 1-155 entered in the case of the Pittsburgh & West Virginia Railway Company vs. the United States of America et al. (1929); proceedings (1918-1919) of the City Council concerning Cleveland Union Terminal; ordinances authorizing construction of the Cleveland & Youngstown Railroad in Cleveland, with notes; Cleveland's proposed charter (1913); and Cleveland's charter (1923). Wed, 01 Jan 2014 12:00:00 GMT Alvin J. Sutton, Jr. Papers. Sutton, Alvin J., Jr. Alvin J. Sutton Jr. was born in Cleveland Heights, Ohio. Between 1940-1947 he worked as as a Special Agent for the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), primarily in the Pittsburgh and Cleveland offices. In 1947, he was appointed Assistant Safety Director for the City of Cleveland. In 1949, he became Safety Director, a position he held until 1952. Following his retirement as Safety Director, he was employed in the transportation industry. NOTE: Researcher access to this collection is restricted. Consult Curator of Manuscripts for details. Wed, 01 Jan 2014 12:00:00 GMT Daniel Edgar Morgan Papers. Morgan, Daniel Edgar Daniel Edgar Morgan (1877-1949) was an Ohio State senator (1929-30), Cleveland city manager (1930-32), politician, and jurist. The collection consists of correspondence, speeches, legal papers and documents, reports and memoranda on civic, municipal, and national affairs, scrapbooks of clippings, pamphlets, and other material on social and international questions, the Republican Party in Cleveland and Ohio, Morgan's interest in civic organizations, his term in the Ohio State Senate, the city managership of Cleveland, political campaigns for himself and Harold H. Burton, his law practice and activities in wartime agencies, and his service on the Ohio Court of Appeals. Thu, 01 Jan 2015 12:00:00 GMT