720 XTF Search Results (docsPerPage=100;f63-subject=Hebrew Academy (Cleveland, Ohio));f63-subject%3DHebrew%20Academy%20(Cleveland,%20Ohio) Results for your query: docsPerPage=100;f63-subject=Hebrew Academy (Cleveland, Ohio) Tue, 28 Jul 2020 12:00:00 GMT Jacob Sapirstein Papers. Sapirstein, Jacob Jacob Sapirstein was the founder and president of American Greetings Corporation, Cleveland, Ohio, and a noted Jewish philanthropist. He emigrated from Poland to the United States in 1905, and settled in Cleveland in 1906. Starting out as a seller of Cleveland picture postcard scenes, he expanded the business to include greeting cards. By 1932, the Sapirstein Card Company began designing and manufacturing its own cards. In 1938, the company changed its name to American Greetings Publishers, and in 1952 to American Greetings Corporation. Jacob Sapirstein remained president of the company until 1960, when his son, Irving Stone, succeeded him. The collection consists of correspondence relating to business operations, philanthropic relationships with various Jewish communal institutions, and family. Information concerning various Orthodox Jewish communal institutions Sapirstein was involved with include the Hebrew Academy of Cleveland, the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society, and the Telshe Yeshiva in Wickliffe, Ohio. Wed, 01 Jan 2014 12:00:00 GMT Taylor Road Synagogue Girl Scout Troops Photographs. Taylor Road Synagogue Girl Scout Troops The Taylor Road Synagogue Girl Scout Troops included Brownie Troop 590, Brownie Troop 595, Daisy Troop 1877, and Junior Troop 1184. These troops were sponsored by Taylor Road Synagogue, an Orthodox congregation in Cleveland Heights, Ohio, and were a part of the national Girl Scouts organization. They offered specifically Jewish activities for Jewish girls, served only kosher food, and did not schedule events on the Sabbath or on Jewish holidays. The collection consists of three photograph albums. Wed, 01 Jan 2014 12:00:00 GMT Cleveland Bureau of Jewish Education Records, Series II. Bureau of Jewish Education The Cleveland Bureau of Jewish Education was organized in 1924 as the coordinating agency for the following Jewish educational institutions in the Greater Cleveland , Ohio, area: Cleveland Hebrew Schools, Hebrew Academy, United Jewish Religious Schools, Institute of Jewish Studies, Workmen's Circle School, and Yeshivath Adath B'nai Israel. The collection consists of minutes, reports, budgets, and correspondence. The bulk of the collection is from 1960-1970, allowing the researcher to study the effects of rapid secularization and assimilation within the Cleveland, Ohio Jewish community and the efforts by community institutions responding to these forces. Notable documentation on the Cleveland Hebrew Schools, Cleveland College of Jewish Studies, Hebrew Academy, and the Jewish Community Federation is included in these records. Wed, 01 Jan 2014 12:00:00 GMT Jewish Community Federation of Cleveland Photographs. Jewish Community Federation of Cleveland The Jewish Community Federation (f. 1903) is a central policy making and fundraising agency for the Jewish community of Cleveland, Ohio. It also supports national and international Jewish communities. The collection consists of approximately 6,000 images, primarily black and white prints, but also slides, contact sheets, and negatives. Wed, 01 Jan 2014 12:00:00 GMT Jewish Community Federation of Cleveland Records. Jewish Community Federation of Cleveland The Jewish Community Federation is a central policy making and fundraising agency for the Jewish community of Cleveland, Ohio, which traces its origin to the Federation of the Jewish Charities of Cleveland (founded 1903). The Federation of the Jewish Charities of Cleveland changed its name to the Jewish Welfare Federation of Cleveland in 1926, and in 1930, added a fundraising arm, the Jewish Welfare Fund of Cleveland. In 1951 the Jewish Welfare Federation merged with the Jewish Community Council to become the Jewish Community Federation. The collection consists of correspondence, trustee and committee minutes and reports, annual reports, surveys, membership lists, newspaper clippings, publications, research papers, and scrapbooks. The collection also includes material pertaining to the Federation and its antecedents, as well as to local, national, and international organizations with which the Federation was involved; and subjects of concern to the local Jewish community including the Jewish Welfare Fund. Al... Wed, 01 Jan 2014 12:00:00 GMT